Coming back after a long layoff. Could use some advice


New member
I have been thinking about getting back into fitness for a while, I think it's been 6 years and I have lost 30 pounds since the last time I worked out. I also suffered one broken foot in the interim. When I was working out at first, I considered myself to be fairly educated and never thought I would really need advice but the main thing about why I'm struggling to figure out how to program is my schedule, its sort of irregular but anyone who works in manufacturing is probably familiar with this type of schedule. I don't do grueling manual labor but it is manual labor for 12 hour shifts. I will never do a full workout on a day I work it's just not workable.

So my schedule at work is
M(work) T(work) W(off) Th(off) F(work) S(work) S(work)
Then following week
M(off) T(off) W(work) Th(work) F(off) S(off) S(off)
That just repeats so I either have 2 days off a week or 5 days off a week.

so how do you think you would set that up? Would you go full body, upper lower split, some type of push,pull,legs. A mixture some how? To be clear my general goal is to gain lean mass. I have no immediate strength or endurance goals. Usually this is easy to think about with a normal schedule, just not sure how to actually set up something intelligent enough where I hit everything as much as it needs. My other question is, as far as creatine, would you start creatine immediately or would you wait until the newbie gains taper off and then load it? Thanks if you actually got to the end of this, lol. Any advice is appreciated!
@maxveritas Go for a 3 day split. If you have to do 1 of those days right after work just get it done. I've been doing a lot of gym sessions after 12 hour days. Especially if your job isn't physically straining, you'll find the will.

Whatever you end up rocking, though, just workout till failure. And yea take creatine asap, vegans gain more use from it.

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