OFFICIAL RR UPDATE: New Year's New Routine(s)! --- (Coming Up in 2 Weeks: a Total Beginner's Community Exercise Event! ) ---

@lou35 Training for men and women, physiologically, does not differ in any meaningful way, and even less so at this level of performance. The idea of a fundamental difference between the two of "training for men" and "training for women" is a commonly propagated myth.

The program will be for anyone regardless of gender identity or biological sex to develop full body strength in as a well rounded way as can be done with the limitations of bodyweight fitness ( speaking specifically to the limited capacity that BWF has to train the lower body beyond a certain degree).

The only real difference when it comes to training men and women is that women typically have a higher recovery capacity when performing high rep sets on average, and that some modifications can be made for individuals based on their menstrual cycle if they happen to suffer from particularly intense periods. Beyond that, nothing of importance.
@dontdosadness I'm glad to hear that!

I actually saw it propagated here on this reddit. I meant it in the number of reps you're needed to do, rather than the type of exercises themselves (unless they ask for pullups, I've seen women having consistently issues with pullups). It wasn't meant the way people normally mean it though, I was just imagining that, for example, most reps would be the same, but for some exercises there would be a modification - like with pullups and pushups, with the exception that those who can do it, can do it.
@dontdosadness Wow, this sounds amazing! I started during quarantine working on the RR, and did a lot of progress. However, on mid-october, I started working full time on my PhD, and the workload surpassed me...and I was not able to manage properly my time to come back to those exercise habits that I developed during quarantine. At least, I managed to stay fit and even get a little bit of excess weight down..

But now I want to force it, I need to include exercise again on my routine and reduce the hours I work on the PhD. These next two weeks I will come back to the RR, but I will start on Jan 1st with this event, and see if it allows me to stick with it more than the RR! Thank you so much!
@dontdosadness I just want to add that the majority of people are not into reading wikis and tutorials.

They simply want an app or a simple sheet to follow, that's why so much money goes to coaching and specific program creation.

Most folks just want someone to tell them what, how and how much to do.

might want to keep that in mind when working on the new stuff
@makahiya7 If people want that, they are more than welcome to actually pay a coach to work with that can tell them exactly what to do, but that level of rigour and individual tailoring is not practical or even possible in this format. free routines are by nature "do it yourself", and the amount of reading required is not just for fun, it's unfortunately necessary.
@dontdosadness Complete BWF rookie here. I am interested in starting the 75Hard program in January and hoping to implement these exercises into my daily routine. Is there any email list I can sign up to, in order to access the daily exercises or is it best to come back here?

Also, super newbie question, but what is RR?

@yying1 The RR is the subreddits Recommended Routine, it's the routine we recommend people that are new to BWF do to get started. This post is advertising that routine is going to be updated/replaced in the new year