Confused on Macros


New member
Hiya guys!! I’m starting my journey with tracking my macros. My goal is to lose about 30 pounds in the next year or so to be healthier and feel better about my body. I’m 22 years old, 5’2”, 165 lbs. I’m starting with trying to aim for 100 g of protein a day as a starting point. I’m using MyFitnessPal to track. It’s been super easy and helpful. This is the year that I really want to lose the weight. Does anyone have any recommendations for staying on track food wise or resources? I’ve tried so many things and I just end up having a bad mindset bc things haven’t worked in the past I’m really trying to work on that too. I’m not sure if I should do a program or what even good programs are out there. I just don’t want to be doing the wrong thing and waste even time. Okay, that’s it! Thanks all 💛
@robertwarhero2 Track your food the night before in a food tracking app like my fitness pal. Don’t go into your day not knowing what you’re going to eat or trying to “wing it”

You don’t need a program. Keep calories and protein in check. I’d shoot for 130 g of protein and at least 50g fat. Let carbs fall where they may. You could start your deficit at around 1700-2000 calories, depending on your activity levels.

Good luck! Keep practicing. You’ll get the hang of it. There’s a learning curve to this fitness stuff, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Just get back on track if you have a slip.
@robertwarhero2 The free version of MFP only lets you put in percentages for your macros but you can adjust it so your goal is about 100mg. That amount sounds about right to me for weight loss, maybe a bit on the low side but not that much. I read a lot on this sub you need 1g/lb of bodyweight and honestly that’s probably exaggerated (if you read some research, 0.7 is fine). The other macros don’t matter at all honestly.

As for what you should do, find some free program that you like and stick to it. If you’re a beginner you’ll progress fast anyway, just make sure that you love it so you can stick to it.

Honestly, starting is the hardest. If you have a “fall off the wagon” for a couple of days don’t let that make you think “ugh whatever that’s too hard/it never works anyway”. I feel like it’s so much easier once you’ve actually made some progress because it gives you confidence, and you see things for what they are: a small setback. So yeah I’d say focus on small changes/habits you can stick so you don’t feel miserable. One last word of advice to help stay on track: allow yourself some treat on a daily basis. For me, eating nothing but “healthy”, no treats, nothing delicious is the fastest way to make me give up.