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hi guys! I’m 5’0 and 122 pounds, my body fat percentage is 19% and I just recently over the past 6-7 months lost around 30 Ish pounds while retaining and growing muscle. I have an overall muscular build and eat around 1600-1800 calories a day. I strength train hard around 4-5 days a week and I’m a waitress too, my shifts usually average 15-20k steps. just recently, I’ve been noticing hair loss, my hands are a yellowish color, I get really fatigued, and I get a strange pressure in my upper left arm (not painful but there) and I also haven’t had my period in 10 months as I struggled w past eating disorders for years and have been working hard to get my health back and maintain a healthier lifestyle. My bloodwork is healthy, I’m only 20 years old and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but I can definitely tell something is going on. If anyone has experienced any of the symptoms please reach out I feel like I’m going crazy and giving myself a lot more anxiety than I should be about it, I just kind of feel like I’m dying.
@guitarpicker295 19% BF or Lower if you’re under 30 is LOW.
21% BF or lower if you’re over 30 is LOW.

Yellow hands - go get LFTs checked.
But yellow hands and amenorrhea is likely due to restrictive eating, low body fat and stress. Definitely go to the docs. This is usually what bikini competitors go through because of the above. Fix it soon or it may cause more serious damage.
@guitarpicker295 Definitely make an appointment with your doctor. In the meantime, Try upping your calories by 200 and increasing the overall calories from fat in your diet.
@guitarpicker295 Had hair loss and fatigue, and found out I am very deficient in Vit D. I've been taking a prescribed supplement for 4 months, and my hair is growing back and the fatigue has gotten a lot better.
Go to the gyno and get a full panel!
@guitarpicker295 Also, 1,600 sounds low for your activity level. While waiting for more info from your medical professional, consider upping your caloric intake a bit to see if you get any relief.
@guitarpicker295 This could be lots of things. You may be underweight. You may have a thyroid problem or a vitamin deficiency. Or there could be something else entirely going on. Definitely ask your doc to run a full blood work panel.
@guitarpicker295 I would agree with what was already said but PLEASE reach out to a healthcare professional Not having your period for 10 months is not a joke and you should be working with a doctor to get your health back. Maintaining a low body fat percentage is not worth sacrificing your long term health.
@guitarpicker295 Seems your body fat percentage is very low for a women, it's not healthy for your hormones having that percentage, I'd definitely recommend first of all to go to a doctor and explain what you're experiencing and most likely...