Could y’all please give me advice or what exercises y’all do for biceps

I feel like they are my weakness rn and I’m at a standstill with them. I’ve tried various exercises with them and was just wondering what you do to get an idea for my next arm day
@buildingapologetics Incline bench dumbbell curls. Set the bench with a slight incline (120 degrees) extend arms all the way and curl up all the way.

Prevents cheating, allows for full ROM, and isolates the bicep great.
@buildingapologetics Im skinny af, i do these exercises and they work very well actually, when it’s biceps day i get a very nice pump!
Anyway, Here’s the exercises:

Bicep Curl: 3 x 15

Cross Body Hammer Curl: 3 x 15

EZ Bar Biceps Curl: 3 x 10

For me personally, i increase the weight by 5 or 2.5kg every set and decrease the reps by 3 reps and it works very well for me!
Anyway, i hope i helped u my friend.

ive run this program before and i really liked the shoulder/arm days (geoff is great for that sort of stuff). doing the hammer curls deals with the shortened position which isn't as productive but your strength in that range drops off pretty quickly into the session so you can then move onto mid-lengthened bias stuff like incline and hammer curls where the biceps usually grow best.

there's probably no harm in pushing volume/intensity up higher and higher (hell id superset bis and tris just to get more sets in) up until the limits of what you can recover from just to see. as well as getting strong at a good compound exercise for em as well like a narrow weighted chinup
@buildingapologetics Unilateral Bicep curl drop sets

3 sets of 25 - 20 - 15 - 10

Sometimes I'll do the drop sets with the EZ bar to hit forearm more, but only when the gym is empty and no one is using the EZ bar rack.
@buildingapologetics Single arm preacher curls, Bayesian curls (these are the best thing ever), regular ass dumbbell curls work well too. All done with slow eccentric, feel like your bicep is tearing apart on the way down then explode up
@buildingapologetics So idk what they are called, but a long time ago I saw on YT a cable curl exercise where you keep your elbows up so your upper arm is at 0 degrees, and you use a straight bar with both hands and slowly let it down then pull it back up and squeeze as hard as you can, and repeat. It’s absolutely incredible and it’s given me the most progress.
@buildingapologetics Here are a few tips - make sure you execute your compound pull exercises (pullups, rows) properly with either a supinated or neutral grip, extreme focus on your technique with all bicep curling exercises (don't cheat with your back or forearms), prioritize bicep exercises at the start of your workouts. I personally just do incline dumbell curls and machine preacher curls. You could try hammer curls, but most of my rowing and pulling lifts are neutral grip so I don't need more brachioradialis training. Make sure you focus on the eccentric of every rep, never skip the bottom half of any rep (go all the way down to get a full bicep stretch), try cheating after failure with half reps or myo reps. Also, you probably don't need many bicep exercises since they don't need a lot of volume.
@buildingapologetics If you want bigger arms, then you need to lift heavy. Like sets of 5-8 reps to absolute failure. The best way to do this - and it's also Arnold's recommendation in his Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding - is standing STRAIGHT barbell curls. And yes it's okay to cheat on the last rep or two.