Critique My Routine


New member
Hey, all. I'm fairly good with my current routine but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything. Don't say burpees.

Stats: M 45, 6'1" 205 lbs, highest weight 240, lowest 197, 40" around belly button. size 34 pants, large t-shirts.

Goals: Weight loss (currently stalled) l, looking good without a shirt, being able to remain active and independent in old age.

Other: Eating avg. 2500 calories a day w/ 20% or more protein, 5 g creatine and multivitamin. Showing good definition in arms and pecs but the potbelly isn't going anywhere. Knee issues limit some movements and due to a prior ankle injury my foot and ankle doctor advises against running. I'm generally uncoordinated and clumsy so I tend to avoid free weights.

45 minutes moderate spin bike 110 HR 3x/week (one TV show)

7,000 steps daily

200 reps Sunny Row and Ride assisted squats 3x/week w/ resistance

Gym Plate Machines 1-2x/week, 3 sets of 10 each for last five months and have doubled most of my weights since starting:
Upper: Seated Row 150lbs, Chest Press 85 lbs, Triceps Extension 50 lbs, Bicep Curl 80 lbs, Crunch Assist 70 lbs, Lateral Pulldown 115 lbs
Lower: Seated Leg Curl 140 lbs, Glute Kickback 45 lbs, Hip Adduction 100 lbs, Abduction 90 lbs, Leg Press and Calf Press 100 lbs

Home Resistance Bands 2-3x/week, replicating above exercises as best I can with roughly similar resistance as estimated by crane scale.
@rbb221b You probably just need to drop your calories a bit. Is the 2500 what you started eating when you were 240? If you haven’t reassessed your caloric needs since then, that is likely your problem.
@mindygail I track with MFP and it's actually closer to 2300. I'm maintaining the moment. MFP and Garmin think I should be losing with current intake and activity but I'm my real world experience I only lose if I'm under 2000. I do eventually want to lose another 25 pounds but I'm more focused on muscle building and fitness right now
@rbb221b Gotcha. I read your “currently stalled” comment as that being your concern.

Not really able to comment otherwise as I’m not sure what your goals or concerns are.
@rbb221b I would increase lifting to 3 days a week for like 45 mins to an hour or whatever in order to try to improve insulin sensitivity with the recovery going there.

I say this because medical doctors express a reduced risk in getting one's waist circumference below 40", but your BMI isn't even that high, so getting more stimulus for muscle building will accelerate the recomp process as you continue the diet and walking.
The goal is higher intensity, progressive overload, then just rest. You can eliminate all band workouts if you are training barring injuries, able to increase the intensity and train movements fairly heavy, getting to where you are training sets of 10-20 but to failure.
@rbb221b I think you need to get in a real lifting workout at least 3 days a week. 1-2 days/week and then resistance bands at home won’t cut it for your goals.

Also important to recognize that the pot belly will stick around until you enter a true caloric deficit. Cutting alcohol (if you haven’t already) could help too.
@kyrie_eleison Unfortunately no matter how much I lose the potbelly is the last to go. When I was 20 I was scrawny but still had a belly. That's life I guess. I drink very little these days but I think I need to switch up my macros to 30% protein and cut out some carbs. Supposedly resistance bands are actually better. I'm just as sore from them anyway but I really prefer the gym.