Critique my split!!


New member
Hey guys so I am a novice weight lifter, I am very fit from competitive soccer and have some experience in weight lifting as well.

I have decided to take it more seriously, (the weight lifting). So I created a 4 day upper body split, can you guys please give me some feedback about it? Let me know what’s right and what sucks!!

My goals are to gain muscle through a bulk accompanying it with this workout plan which I will progressively overload through extra sets and more weight.

Workout A (Monday)(Thursday)
Bench Press 5x8 reps (55kg and bar)

Incline DB Bench Press 5x8 reps (20kg)

Mid Level Cable Flyes 5x8 (level 10.5 air)

Seated Overhead DB Press 5x8 reps(17,5g)

Seated DB lateral raises 4x10 reps (7,5kg)

Rear delt flyes 2x10 (10kg)

Workout B (Tuesday)(Friday)
Pullups 2x8 (hollow)+ 2x10 (wide arch)

Close grip Barbell Row 4x8 reps (40kg and bar)

Wide grip Cable pulldowns 4x8 (55kg)
Cable Rows 4x8 (45kg)

Standing EZ bar curls 3x10 reps (10kg and bar)

Seated bicep curls 2x8 reps
@dad913 15 sets of chest on workout A is more than you realistically need to do for a single muscle group in a single session. Cut a few sets of flyes out.

Day B doesn’t look so bad, but could have similar problems of doing way too much for your lats if your barbell rows are very hard on them.

2-12 sets per muscle per session and up to 20 sets per muscle per week are some nice numbers to aim for.

Naturally if some of these sets are further from failure then it’s less of an issue, or if you are going light for high reps and short breaks then you will need to do more sets anyway.

Consider just picking a free programme and only doing the upper body portion, or at least reading through a couple and taking some notes.
@dad913 For Workout B, add a core exercise like planks or Russian twists. Consider varying rep ranges and exercises to target muscle growth effectively. Make sure to prioritize form and gradually increase weights for progressive overload. Overall, it's a good start, but keep refining for optimal results and injury prevention.