Critique my workout routine (made by me)


New member
So that’s my routine as a 26F 5"2/1.58m and 155lbs/70kg, in a ~250kcal/day deficit. I want to preserve/gain a tiny bit of muscle, but don’t get my hopes too high because I am losing weight.

I don’t do any cardio, I walk or bike to my job and walk a lot at my job. I go to the gym straight out work and feel tired during the workout.
Any insight would be cool !

⭐️ Back day :
- Dumbbell row 14kg 4x8 2min rest
- Pendlay row 20kg 4x10 2min rest
- Lat pulldown 25kg 4x12 2min rest
- Straight arm lay pull-down cable 9kg 4x12 1min 30sec rest
- Seated Good Morning 25kg 3x8 2min rest

⭐️ Legs day 1
- Barbell hip trust 80kg 4x10 3min rest
- Barbell RDL 45kg 3x10 3min rest
- Barbell Squat 35kg 3x8 2min rest
- Abduction machine 56kg 3x15 2min rest
- Hyperextension glute bias 14kg 3x14 2min rest

⭐️ Shoulder and chest day :
- Supine press 18kg 3x12 2min rest
- Shoulder press 8kg each arm 3x8 2min rest
- Shoulder row 4kg each arm 4x10 1min 30sec rest
- Biceps curl 6kg each arm 3x12 2min rest
- Triceps cable 7kg 3x12 2min rest

⭐️ Leg day 2 :
- Hip trust B stance 16kg 4x24 2min rest
- Glute bridge 22kg 4x12 2min rest
- B stance RDL 18kg 4x8 each leg 2min rest
- Squat wide stance 22kg 3x10 2min rest
- Seated Good Morning 25kg 4x8 2min rest
@stevethewaldner If you want optimal progress, I would recommend following one of the programs from the page that I linked. But if you’re enjoying your current program, and you are applying progressive overload (which you didn’t mention in your post at all), then I think it’s fine to stick with your current program until you start plateauing.