Cut or Bulk?


New member
Hello! I’m 22 years old, I’m 5’9 and 185 pounds. This January I weighed 215 pounds, and now I’m down to 185. But, I’ve been 185 for three weeks now. I still have a little belly, and some love handles. They’re stubborn, but the rest of my body isn’t very fatty. Should I c keep trying to cut or should I bulk?
@felipeoliveir You’re quite likely to get 20 different opinions to this question from a diverse set of opinions on fitness.
It does depend on your goal yes, but I would ask, what is your expectation for when you reach whatever your goal is? How do you want to feel?
@tbarjr If I reach my goal of losing the fat on my stomach and getting it flat, I’d like to build muscle and get stronger. I would like to feel energized, strong, and healthy. I’ve been eating 1,600 calories a day and plateauing. I don’t understand how cause 1,600 is already really low for a guy my age, at least I think it is.
@felipeoliveir That’s why I would personally recommend giving a “bulk” a try.
I think you will find you will feel stronger, more energized, and healthy.

My two cents. I come from a background where I was doing a lot of cardio, trying to get lighter. I’m now easily 25lbs heavier and relatively similar body fat to that time, still have love handles, but I’m way stronger and feel good chasing my kids around at 36yo.