Cutting 1200 cal 120g protein 52g fats


New member
Hi guys!
It’s been 5 y I’m vegan. I’ve never been sedentary but in the last 4 months or so I decided that I wanna get some muscles. Not quite sure my bf% is, but some lost some weight already and can see a bit more muscles.
I was on a 1600kcal plan with 110g protein 180g carbs and 48g fats but the results where going too slow.
I lift 6 times a week and do 30min cardio also. I’m a female 31yo 116,8lbs(53kg)and 5ft (153cm).
Now I’m going on a 1200kcal plan with 120g protein, 56g carbs and 56g fats but it’s not easy. I’m eating lots and lots of tofu, edamame , rice protein Low in carbs, nuts, avos and greens.
It’s been 2 weeks and I can see some results and I’m thinking to go with 8 weeks tops before bulking.
Am I crazy or is it possible? I’m trying to maintain the max of muscles as i can.
Meat eaters said that I should do 20g carbs a day. Lol
Any suggestions? Ideas?
@chrishudges This is so far off. Fitness is a journey not a race and this sort of crash diet shit is horrible for you and will only result in Metabolic damage
@dawn16 I know that, I usually do my diet plans with a nutritionist. But in the last 6 months I was not progressing enough so I started studying and talking with other professionals to seek for changes. My BMR is about 1200 kcal, she first put me on a 1600kcal plan and then in a 1400 kcal, but with less protein and more carbs on it. I’m seeking for a good cutting before going into an bulking fase, but I’m not quite sure if it’s good enough or possible this kind of meal plan in a vegan diet.
@dawn16 Tbh I truly don’t know. Never did it before, but my personal (who is also a nutritionist) told me to try it and see if I like the results. He’s not vegan, but I stared looking on the internet and saw some material about low carb vegan diets, I’m pretty sure that’s hard to do 50g or less in carbs in a vegan diet, and also wouldn’t do it for long periods of time, but I was curious to see if that works.
@chrishudges You don’t really seem like you know what you are doing, so I wouldn’t play these “I think” games when it could compromise your health.

Also nutritionist is a very loose term, it’s sort of like when people refer to themselves as experts. You can get many different certifications from many different people and claim to be one, or just claim you are a nutritionist without any certification. I would find a registered dietitian, preferably a plant based one and they will guide you the right way.
@dawn16 Maybe I’m using the wrong therm since I’m not a native English speaker. Just googled, mine is a registered dietitian and plant based also. She’s treating me since I became vegan, because of my condition. :)
Thanks for the concern. I will study more and ask for more professional help also.
@chrishudges I've heard that 1200 is considered pretty extreme but I'm not an expert. I guess the question is do you think you can sustain it? 120g protein is hard for me and I'm cutting at 1900-2000 calories.
@johnab I’m not quite sure idler. I have no trouble getting enough protein tbh, with tofu, protein powder and other stuffs is pretty easy. The main problem is the low carb (that I don’t intend to keep it for much longer since I know that muscles can’t be built without carbs).
@katie4469 About 6 months, then my nutritionist put me on a 1400kcal plan with much more carbs and less protein.
I’ve lost about 4-5kg in this period. I can tell my body composition has changed, but I still have a high %BFfor sure. Don’t think it’s a good idea getting into a bulking yet.
@chrishudges I think that that is a fine rate of weight loss for someone with your stats! There is not really any advantage to losing weight at a faster rate than that. A slower rate of weight loss is actually better in terms of maximizing fat loss vs. muscle loss. I would recommend sticking with that higher calorie plan!

I also think that you probably don't need 120g protein, but that's up to you!
@katie4469 I’m using a 2,2g/kg protein as I was told to do by my nutritionist. My appetite is a bit huge usually and I tend to overeat due to some medication (I have fibromyalgia).
I’m afraid of getting in the comfort zone and not seeing any results for months that’s why I thought it would be good to have a lower calorie intake. Where I live the pandemic is still running free so going out, cycling etc is not an option. I only work (from home, but I’m a cook, pretty active job) and go to the gym, I think my body is not using that much energy.
@chrishudges I truly do not think that you need to lower your calorie intake if you've been making progress at a higher calorie intake. 4-5kg in 6 months is a good rate of progress. I do not think that you need to be losing any faster than that.
@chrishudges I've always done 1.5g protein per kilo, 1g fat per kilo, and the rest as carbs.
Adjusting carbs between bulking and cutting is easy. And I see the result in terms of performance and mass.
Don't be afraid of carbs is my advice.