The bulk is over… The bulk is over… advice?? hello gym vros. this is my first post here. i am new to Reddit, but acquainted with the gym - or so I like to think. I have been a heavier guy “most” of my life. I’m in my early 20’s. i peaked at around 260 at my fattest. i was depressed, hated myself and decided it was time for a change. fast forward: I cut down to 198 throughout a few years of just diet and exercise. i started strength training a few months ago and have currently bulked back up to 220 during a fall/winter bulk. now I want to cut. by no means am I lean 220, I’m 5’9 and definitely have got some meat, I question if I should have even bulked to begin with. That being said, I like to think I have a better than usual muscle mass. lifts are decent, could definitely be better for my weight: B305, DL405, S365, and my muscles are developed pretty nicely in my opinion, asi can see the definition clearly under my blubber. vascularity is starting to come along, but I’ve never been able to see my veins before so just seeing them and having them ever so slightly pop is a huge accomplishment for me. I call upon you gym vros. this will be my first real cut after gaining weight on purpose (something I thought I would never say). any advice is appreciated. currently taking creatine and counting macros with about 1950 cal, 215 - 230 g/p, 80 g/f, 100 - 120 g/c. i do cardio in the form of heavy bag, jump rope and the 3/speed - 15 incline on the treadmill. PPL split. what can I do to better cut? i am in no hurry and don’t want to rush this, but I also don’t want it to take forever if I can help it.