Cutting (Fat loss) help


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Iā€™m currently on a cut
But I am not sure what my maintenance calorie actually is.

Current Weight: 62kg
Height: 169cm
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Activity: Gym 5-6 days in a week

Can anyone find my Maintenance calories?
The calorie calculators on the internet are confusing for me.

Iā€™m skinny fat..and Iā€™ve bulked for about 5 to 6 months and gained some muscle but the belly fat grew more. So I started the cut from 67kg it's been 1 month since I started the cut, and now iā€™m at 62kg and there are changes here and there but there are no visible changes in my belly fat.

Currently, Iā€™m on an 1800cal diet with a 140+g daily protein intake.

Is 1800 Cal too low for me?
There are times when I eat just 1400-1500 calories too.

Am I doing it wrong?
Please help out a bro šŸ˜Š
@dhaezie Why should you worry about your maintenance? You are losing weight (albeit a lot of which was water in the first month), that means you're in a calorie deficit which is the biggest indicator of losing fat. Keep ingesting enough protein, keep resistance training regularly, visible changes will take more than 1 month to show, wait a total of 3 months and then report back.