Cutting regiment after 5/3/1


New member
Question: what workout regiment would you suggest is best for cutting? Over winter I started BBB 5/3/1 and eating in surplus. I saw good gains in both strength and size, but I definitely saw an increase in my waistline (no complaints though, I’m happy with my gains).

I plan to finish one last cycle on 5/3/1 and start my cut around the end of February. I’m getting married in August, so I definitely want to trim my waist before I start suit shopping. Don’t want my suit to be baggy on me.

I saw that 5/3/1 isn’t recommended for a cut (but with the caveat that you can continue 5/3/1 on a cut if you are conservative with your weight). Would you recommend going back to a PPL/other or stick with 5/3/1 for cutting?

I’m a 33M at 184 lbs btw.

@sold4christ25 There are a lot of 5/3/1 templates. BBB isn't recommended for a cut (although I've done it) but a lot of people have had success with 5/3/1 FSL, 1000% Awesome, Krypteria, or Prep and Fat Loss templates on cuts.
@sold4christ25 It’s about calories. Food intake more than the program. Do any version. BBB isn’t optimal because the whole point is to get big. he does say you need to EAT when doing BBB. So reduce calories .
@sold4christ25 There is very little reason to change programs during a cut. What you want is a program that incorporates auto regulation. And 531 incorporates auto regulation. During the initial part of your cut, you will probably be able to lift like normal. Then as it drags on, you’ll lose strength and fatigue will start to kick in, so you’ll likely need to drop volume and or intensity. You can do that and just play it by feel.

Learning to gauge your RPE is a useful skill for all this.