Dan John on YouTube needs more love


New member
I think many of us have talked about one of Dan John’s programs or read about them on this sub. He’s always put out great content. Personally, I’ve been thinking of when to start to 10,000 swing challenge and wanted to do a little digging on YouTube. I came across his YouTube channel and really appreciated all of the content he’s put up there. His podcast covers a lot of really interesting topics, and he’s a very down to earth guy which makes him really easy to follow. I’m going to drop a link here hoping to send the guy some more love from r/kettlebell.

Dan John’s YouTube
@learnandbloom Lost my grandpa this past winter. We were close and I was grieving. Stumbled onto Dan’s channel and couldn’t believe how much he reminded me of my pap. I know it’s dumb but I would sit and watch those videos for hours. Dan is such a decent guy and it just made me feel better.

That and doing the 10k swing challenge I got into pretty good shape as well.
@dotk3033 Pat Flynn triggers my BS alert….maybe since I’m now discovered so many like Dan John & Joe Daniels, who are just kinder. Dan & Joe would have coffee with me but Pat would show up late, order the most expensive item on the menu & stiff me with the bill.😆
@keith7731 And you need some training literacy. So many people say shit like “one minute he’s advocating only 10 reps per exercise, the next it’s 20 rep squats!” Not understanding that, you know, a lot of different programs are effective for different things.

If you have some sense you can train your whole life off of the content he’s provided for free. I don’t think there’s a single source that comes close to him.
@learnandbloom I’ve learned far more from him than any other online resource. He makes everything very simple to understand, doesn’t get into any weird movements or flows that are trendy, and really just focuses on what actually improves performance. He will likely never get as much attention though because his videos aren’t flashy
@learnandbloom The DJ forum is the one place in the workout world not full of gym bros. Over the years have gotten solid advice from asking questions directly from Dan along with other fitness pros that actually train folks in elite sports or have a PhD in exercise science and do research.

He's been an active participant in a conversation I started on his forum last week. Solid guy.
@learnandbloom Yeah, it's a shame he isn't more in the spotlight. The reason, though, is simple; he has integrity and doesn't dress stuff up in sexy lingerie in order to sell something.

He's worked closely with Pavel in the past; I remember hearing his name way back like 15 years ago when I started delving into paleo and non-conventional training philosophy and didn't really start following him until a few years ago.

His books are a great investment. Thumbs up for Dan.
@dwatson659 Love the content of his podcasts but hate that the volume is set so low. I have to set the volume so high that commercials and/or the radio once I remove my phone are way too high…

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