Dan John on YouTube needs more love

@learnandbloom I couldn't agree with you more. He's one of the kettlebell originals and shares a wealth of knowledge. His podcast is part of my Thursday routine. Also, if I may, check out a few of his books. They are training gems.
@learnandbloom Just chiming in to voice my support for Dan John… such a great resource! I regularly check his YouTube channel. Disappointing he doesn’t have more people following him. I recommend anyone wanting to get stronger or healthier to check him out.
@hariel Simple - he tells it like it is, makes things as simple as he can but no simpler, and doesn't clickbait. Sadly, in terms of number of views, he'll always lose out to "try this supplement now to add 5 inches to your biceps in two days." His channel doesn't appeal to people looking to dump money into false promises, but for real strength training it's one of the best.
@learnandbloom I'm a big fan of Dan's work. He has an amazing breadth of knowledge across a wide range of sports, weight lifting and kettlebells.

I particularly like that he gives credit to other coaches and I've found pat flynn and original strength through his podcasts.
@learnandbloom I agree. Surprises me each time I watch a video of his and numbers of views is not that high. Big fan of his podcast. And currently reading his books which I would highly recommend.
@learnandbloom Dan seems like such a nice dude. Very honest and straightforward. His podcast, as well as his appearances on the Pat Flynn show, are always full of good info, I listen every week. Legendary Strength Coach according to Men's Health Magazine.

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