Day 1/322 - thanks u/bigtim27


New member
I bought 2 kettlebells about a year ago, and since then they have proven to be just expensive doorstops, and things to stub my toe on. Occasionally motivated to swing them around a bit.

2020 was a shower of shit for most people, myself included, nearly lost my job, twice, had to cancel my wedding, and spent 2 weeks homeless. Strains on my mental health and physical health, covid-weight gain and the rescheduled wedding mean I need to do something about it.

So here goes, motivated by people here, @vanania mostly, I have 322 days until I get married, I'm 25kg overweight (about 55lbs) - I'm planning on a kettlebell workout every day to drop the pounds of fat I have accumulated over the last 12 months.

Today I'm starting light, just going to try and get through a 45 minute workout with an 8kg weight. I hope to work my way up to the bombs you guys and gals swing around. I've been pretty/very/completely sedentary over the last few years, so starting light seems to be the way to go.

Sidebar: I'm notorious for not following through with these things so I'll keep updates to hold myself accountable!

Edit: update - this was killer. I had to take a little breather half way through, but made it through, legs feel like jelly. Temptation to eat the world is real.
@hokiedad Big Tim is my hero. I don’t get out as much as I should, but seeing his videos has pushed me to my shitty car port set up a dozen times this year. It’s only cold until the 40th swing.
@beulahshalom I tried fasting for about 3 months last year, to try and get a handle on my weight. I found that I ended up eating more in a shorter space, and I craved quick energy snacks - I ploughed through fruit pastilles like there was no tomorrow!

I just couldn't curb those cravings and when I could eat I struggled to stop!
@hokiedad I know exactly what you mean, at some points I would be gorging as soon as the fast was over... As if there was no point in doing it.

The IF reddit page helped a lot, kept me motivated seeing other people doing so well, same as this page really!
I found that I ended up eating more in a shorter space

I feel you there. My experience with IF is very similar. If I focus too much on food I obsess over it and it becomes a problem. I've had the most consistent weight loss this year by trying to do the least amount of brain power. Which started with "no snacking", once that slowed down I added in "eat at least 8 different veggies a day". Once that has slowed down I've added "drink a large glass of water before every meal, eat the veggies first, and always eat more veggies than anything else". It has been good for 30lbs and I don't have to worry about weighing food and trying to be super exact with cooking.
@hokiedad Good for you! If I can offer some advice, I'd suggest shortening/breaking up your training session, so that you end feeling stronger than you started. If training is something that ends on a high note, it's a lot easier to stick with. If it's a grueling task, then it's a lot easier to find reasons not to do it.

Plus, your body is going to need time to adapt to the work you're asking it to do. Pushing too hard, too fast is more likely to lead to injury, which will cost you training time and motivation.
@hokiedad Good luck, friend. I'm starting my effort on the 4th and am looking forward to contributing to the group as well. You have the right mindset, the right tool and the right group. You'll get it done!
@hokiedad Go get it.

Motivation is fleeting, discipline lasts, consistency wins the game. Just get it done. Doesn't matter if you're tired, you're sick, you had a bad day at work, your leg aches, you've got a headache... Get it done. A bad session is better than no session. Start easy and do more work every time. This workout doesn't matter, the next 500 do.

One day at a time, over and over, stacks up.
@hokiedad Might i suggest to follow my lead and journal in his posts? I asked him and he was cool with it.

Has really helped me stay on track. I skipped yesterday because i was so sore and it was my last cheat day of the year.

Will catch back up today and tomorrow
@hokiedad I'm mid-40s and not really overweight (6'2"/188cm and 85kg/190#) and have a second child on the way. My daughter is 20mo and 11kg and I carry her 3mi round trip to nursery in my shoulders.

With number two due in a few months, I want to build some strength and keep core strength well into my 50s and mid 60s, when the younger child moves out.

I had a 4kg KB and some weights lying around and thought it would be good to get some use outta them as we're now in Tier4 lockdown.

Anyways, I downloaded and read the PDF and am watching ETK on YouTube.

I'm working my way through the training and warm-up moves and working on good form. I did one run through pre-2021 and another today.

I can feel it in the shoulder and the core of my stomach.

I don't feel any pain but everything feels more loose and smooth now.

I hope you don't mind but I'm going to tag along with your posts :)

Good luck with getting in shape and the wedding. I was married at one point in the US, but got divorced and live in the UK now and like the more relaxed style in Europe with respect to marriage and childbearing age.

Here's to 2021!
@dawn16 Thanks! Happy to have as many people along for the ride as possible! I'm in tier 3 but think tier 4 is just round the corner. I'm hoping it'll help keep me motivated, my 2nd workout is this afternoon!

I've just turned 30, so I felt like I needed to act now. How is ETK? I found a workout on YouTube thats hard but everyone seems to love S&S and ETK.
@hokiedad Honestly, I'm working on form right now and stretching. How to pick up the KB properly, box squats, wall squats, and overhead halos. I only have 30min per day at 5am in my uninsulated conservatory and I want to get the forms right first. I feel like my body is limbering up, which is nice. At my age, this is probably very important.

I've simply downloaded the PDF for ETK and am watching a YouTube video of what must be a DVD video of the book. Essentially, I use the sliding glass door in the dark as a mirror and hopefully will get less stiff over time.

Did some swings today and was breathing heavy :/