ON Jan. 8 2017 I could not even headstand, on Feb. 1 2017 I held a 25 second Handstand. Thanks to you guys at r/bodyweight!

@dawn16 I can relate with that! What I did was start on carpet with a bunch of blankets and pillows in front of me in case I fell.....which I did a lot. Haha. Once I built up the confidence to bail out safely I started doing them on hard floors. When I over rotate I just pivot my body and land on my feet. Sort of like a cartwheel. Hope this helps and good luck!
@jeewa123 Thanks for the input, I don't know why I never thought to make a squishy landing zone? I've been getting my wife to spot me while i go from wall support to handstand. It helps the confidence with out a doubt. But I think you idea of practicing bailing out safely will do much more!