Deadlift form check (115 lbs, 135 lbs)

@james512 I think your issue is with loading your hammies so you're almost kinda squatting the weight. The bar should go straight down and you pushing it in front of your knees on the way down means you probably have too much knee flexion going on. I'd say your best bet is keeping your knees with only a slight bend until you have passed them, then bend down to drop the weight on the ground.
@james512 You’re doing something funky on the way down. You’re bringing the bar out and around your knees, they are bending too early. Hinge at the waist first and then bend your knees once the bar has cleared them. Shins should be more vertical for longer if that makes sense.
@byastian Thank you this puts into words just how it feels. I feel like I'm moving the bar out and back in using my arms and shoulders in order to avoid my knees. Other commenters are saying I'm almost squatting because I'm keeping my back too vertical so I will try hinging at my waist and forcing my bum out more before bending my knees. I think I'll have to drop the weight to do that, maybe that's my problem!
@james512 From my viewing of your form videos, it looks like you’re starting with your hips way too low. That’s making it so that when you reverse the movement, you’re having to go around your knees.

Position yourself with the bar over mid-foot. Then imagine you have really long arms down to grab the bar. Try to bend just at your hips to get it. You also want your shins to be in line with your forearms. Keep the bar tight against your shins as you pull. Drag the bar up your body. Reverse by breaking at the hips first. It will feel unnatural, like you’ll fall forward, but you won’t!
@james512 Your starting position isn’t terrible. Think of creating a triangle between your knees, hips and shoulders. You don’t want to have you butt too low, but you also don’t want it too high. We each move a little differently so this may be your starting position. How you bring the bar down is what I would focus on. Good luck!