DFW completed - female perspective - 2x12 kg are still plenty


New member
Background: I am a short woman and (I guess) an intermediate lifter. I've started kettlebells in 2020 and I've been doing S&S for 1.5 years (progressed to 28 kg swings and 24 kg TGU and then hit the ceiling). Then I tried and dropped RoP because my press wasn't improving fast enough. Then life happened and a had a few breaks from kettlebells. Now I am interested in pressing again.

Program: I've selected DFW due to its strict 30 min time limit per session (as heavy S&S sessions were eating a lot of my time). I liked the "autoregulation" concept because I could go in my own pace. I felt that other programs ramp up the rep/set count too quickly since they are designed for men.

Diet: No significant changes to the diet except trying to eat like an adult (more veg, less junk food) and having 1 protein drink a day.

Progression: I've plotted the total moved weight per session. Over the course of one month I was able to double my total volume. On the week 4 I was doing 70% more C+P and 73% more FSQ than on the week 1. They were some days when I pushed myself pretty hard, but never to the point of technical failure. I was never bored. Despite having only two movements, the program always felt interesting due to rep scheme variety. It was fun and I was happy to be progressing so fast!

  • Bodyweight 60 kg --> 59 kg at 161 cm
  • Pull-ups 8 --> 9
  • Pistols 1 --> 3 (only left side, right side lacks mobility)
  • Overhead press 2x12kg 5 --> 7
  • Overhead press 2x14kg 0 --> 1
Results: I definitely got stronger and I notice it in my everyday life. My work capacity also improved. I look the same on photos. One month was not enough to prompt any significant visual change. I think that my legs got a bit slimmer because I fit in some pants better than a month ago. I am not sure what to think of my press progress though. Are 2 reps more OK or have I failed in some way? I know that some men in this subreddit have turned their 5RM into 15 RM after a month but I have no idea what to expect as a woman. Looks like I have to run the program again.
@m2j9 You got stronger along multiple axes and more mobile and better conditioned while maintaining weight or slightly losing. That is definitely a win.

If you want to push the numbers up, I'll bet that if you run it again, and just eat a few hundred more calories per day, you can out on a couple kg of muscle and your lifts will all jump.
@ulkon I might have been too restrictive with my eating since the last time I ate more it backfired :D

Thank you for your input, it helped
@m2j9 Awesome job! Great to hear a woman's results following the program.

I wouldn't sweat the perceived lack of progress on press, it's still a 40% increase in reps at that weight! In my limited experience, increasing reps beyond a certain point at a given weight will require some specific training at higher rep ranges.
@m2j9 My last run of DFW I increased my reps by 3. Just saying.

And the supposed 5 to 15 case was with a vague 6RM and probably higher. Definitely don't take that as a normal case.
@juancarlos Double-you is spot on. I'm one of the 5-15 guys. All progress is good and everyone starts at different places. For me: I'm 5'7 and 200 lbs. I've been lifting since I was 14 and I'm 38. I've taken breaks, mostly due to injuries, but I have at least 20 years of training with barbells AND because I'm old and have sustained injuries I tend to be very conservative with rep maxes.

BTW I am super jealous of your 1H swing and your get up numbers. I've got really tight calves from years of playing squash and not stretching, and I find the get-up immensely challenging at the lunge part, because my ankle mobility is so bad.

One thing I love about this sub: everyone supports everyone else in their journey to health and strength. You got 7 reps with 12kg, sounds like you're ready for 14 or even 16!
@m2j9 I ran dfw at slight calorie deficit last year and went up two reps on each side two. I lost a few pounds, got stronger and was more vascular. I'd call your results a win.
@m2j9 I just wanted to add that 9 pullups is awesome, and in that light your double press max being 14 seems low. What's your single bell press max?

What I've picked up from reading articles by people who coach women, it seems pretty normal that you are doing 7 reps at just 2kg lower weight than your max is. But also that you probably should push DFW more as women seem to handle volume very well.

I personally use a running timer on DFW and I have some time in my mind about when to do the next set but I can and do adjust it as the session goes on. If that kind of use of a timer sounds more like autoregulation than using set intervals that beep at you.
@juancarlos Looks like I am built in a strange way. Despite my pull-up numbers and my ability to press 2x14 kg once my single bell 1RM is 14 kg (only if I am feeling well).

Timer on DFW sounds like a good idea
@m2j9 Great work! Big fan of all of your data too. We keep copious amounts of data for our own training (and clients) and it’s so fun to break it down in different ways.
@ngie Thanks! I have a question about your data. There is always a kb weight that people can reach relatively fast and then they stagnate and have to grind. What is this weight for overhead press for an average female client of yours? And how does it differ for ballistic lifts?
@m2j9 Good question! This depends on the lifting history of the female and their physical size. Most of our ladies are trying to strict press 12-16kg for 5 reps as their first benchmark. There’s a few who can get 18-20kg for 1-3 reps. Takes a lot of time and consistency!

Ballistics they can typically go much heavier. 2H and 1H swings - their limitations are mostly what bells they have access to.

Snatch is usually similar weight to their 5RM press or one bell size heavier.
@m2j9 You made pretty decent progress in a deficit. That's a win for sure.

You could absolutely run DFW again, or DFW Remix if you have the time to train on non-DFW days. If you want to prioritise your press, The Giant is a collection of pure clean & press programs that work off a 5RM (3.0) and 10RM (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0).

You could also try pressing the 14s for a few singles either before DFW workouts or on different days. My experience is that getting some practice with a heavier weight will make the lighter weight move better over time.
@m2j9 Awesome share! If I’m reading the chart correctly your progress is pretty linear, those numbers look great, really good imo.

I took a glance at my own stats and with the 12kg the progress felt slow on paper. My press improved faster with a more (tiny) press specific routine where you keep adding a new rep to a set every day or so. :)