
New member
Is this too much or too little for 30 minutes? I didn’t feel like it was grinding but I’m very used to High Intensity workouts so it still ended up with me in a pile of sweat. So should I slow down or is the fact that I didn’t have consistent rounds mean I’m not pacing well?

Round times
R1 | 01:58 |

R2 | 02:26 | +28 s
R3 | 02:45 | +19 s
R4 | 02:52 | +7 s
R5 | 03:01 | +9 s
R6 | 03:13 | +12 s
R7 | 03:45 | +32 s
R8 | 02:32 | -73 s
R9 | 03:18 | +46 s
R10 | 03:54 | +36 s

Avg 02:58
Time left over: 00:16
@alicerose There's no such thing as too many reps on DFW. It's a spectrum from strength to conditioning - less reps means you'll get more of a strength stimulus, more reps means it's more conditioning, provided you work hard in both cases.

Feel free to up the weight for more of a strength workout.

But as long as you push yourself, you'll get a good workout somewhere along that specrum.
@alicerose Week 1 Day 1 is ladders of 1,2,3. So is your “Round 1” a ladder of 1,2,3 for both C&P and Front Squat?

If so, sure, maybe that’s a lot of reps. You may have very high “strength endurance” or you may be a bit “under belled.”

What weight are you using, and what’s your C&P rep max with said weight?

Finally, the beauty of most of Neupert’s density programming is that it doesn’t really matter too much if you’re using a bit too heavy or too light of bells.
@alicerose Yes, that's a lot of reps. Could be that the weight you are using is not your real 5 rm, maybe 6-7 rm.

But that's also totally ok. First time I did DFW I went down 1 bell size on purpose, to get a feeling of the program. Now I'm doing it with my true 5 rm.
@premier3092 Thanks. I’ll try the heavier weight for part of D2 and see how that feels. The load I am using is a probably more like 8-9RM but the next bell up is a true 5RM but the strict press form breaks down or turns into a small push press by the 5th rep.
@alicerose Not much of a real comment on your actual post, although I agree with Lenny that you can't do too much on DFW. Just wanted to help you sort out your formatting, since it's a little unintuitive on reddit. But it has the tools built-in to make a pretty nice table.

Here's the beginning of a table, and then the plain-text markup for it. Remove the "Line#:" leading text. For some reason, reddit was bound and determined to make it into a table because of that second line. The colons in the second line determine the justification (left, center, right as I've done it).

Line1: Round|Time|Increment 
Line2: :--|:--:|--: 
Line3: R1|01:58|+28s





Happy lifting and tabling.
Yes each round is a full ladder of both C&P and FS

The next weight up I can get 5 presses but form is not solid all the way through so I am using the next one down (a 4kg step down)

Maybe I’ll do the 1-2 part of the ladders with the heavier bell and 3 with the lighter bell?