Didnt lose weight during cut


New member
So at the end of bulk I was eating 3400 calories, got tired of food and decided to do a mini cut. I started eating 2200 calories (reduced carbs intake and reduced a little of fat intake, didn't touch protein), and after a week my weight didn't change. I didn't change volume and intensity and was doing cardio almost every day. How can this be? Should I Reduce even more calories? I thought after a week of diet some fat and a lot of water should go out and weight should be reduced by around 2% first week and 1% next week.

P.S. I don't think this is because miscalculation with calories because during the bulk I was getting like 0,5 kg per week as intended and when it was slowing down every time I adjusted calories it was working
@marilines Did you measure everyday and take the average over the week?

In any case the results right after the change of diet are unreliable so just wait one more week
@marilines Ok then that is your issue. Your bodyweight fluctuates daily due to many random factors like how salty you ate the day before. So the uncertainty of your measurement is much bigger than what you would expect to lose in one week.

Start weighing yourself daily and take the weekly average as your true weight.
@marilines Not seeing weight loss during a cut, especially just a week in, isn't unusual. Here's a quick breakdown:
  1. Body's Slow Adaptation: It's still clinging to reserves from your bulk, so give it time to adjust.
  2. Water Weight: Your reduced carbs and increased cardio might have your body holding onto water for muscle repair, which can hide fat loss on the scale.
  3. Muscle Over Fat: You could be losing fat but gaining muscle, which keeps the scale steady but improves body composition.
  4. Patience is Key: A week is a short time. Ensure accurate calorie tracking and hydrate well. If no change after another week or so, consider a small calorie adjustment.
The scale isn't the only progress indicator. Check how your clothes fit and how you feel. Slow and steady wins the race!