Diet advice


New member
So I've officially reached my "first goal weight" of 135! Yay! (25, Height 5'1, SW 156 GW 125?)

By this time I was hoping my face would look a lot slimmer.. last year at this time I was also 135 and did not have a double chin! Between then and now I did have a baby and am breastfeeding but I don't feel that should be effecting me like this..

I've been eating around 1,500 (sometimes more, oops. Also still breastfeeding) and not worrying much about macros but I do hit around 100-120 protien every day. Maybe I'm consuming too much fat?

For exercise I haven't done much as I really don't have much time working and with a baby, but I speed walk incline about 20 mins a day.

So my question is.. would going on an extremely low fat diet help that double chin disappear? Or do I just need to start weight training? What are your opinions please.

P.s. I do NOT want unsolicited advice or DMs from men. Any weird DMs I will block you. Had to remove my last post after some weirdos replied via DM 😑😑😑😑
@marblecake I don’t recommend low fat, especially if you’re breast feeding/newly postpartum. As women we need a decent amount of fat in order to regulate our hormones. It’s also important to eat enough omega-3s as we cannot create those within our body. At a minimum, women should eat 50g per day. Personally, I need 70g to feel good.

What I would recommend is focus on high protein, 0.8-1g/lb of bodyweight per day, then 50-70g of fat then fill the rest with carbs.

Is getting some dumbbells or resistance bands to keep at home an option for you? Resistance training may help with increasing your BMR slightly and redistribution of weight. Continue with walking but add in some resistance training as well. Even 20 mins 3x/week is better than none at all. If you’re a total newbie, even bodyweight training will work for a while

I’m a personal trainer, so feel free to DM me with any questions
@marblecake I’ve experienced that it takes a little while at goal for your body to finish redistributing the fat and figuring out its final shape. I tend to lose weight in my face first and revert to a very fey/gamine/teenager angular look, then slowly settle back into my usual round face after a few months.

Maybe your body works opposite of mine, and will redistribute away from your face?
@jacquelinejean Yes, this, and I think a lot of the double chin problem is skin, not fat. So, it'll take a bit of time, I think. So, patience even though that's the toughest advice to receive, I know, cause it's already been so much patience & tough work to get where you are!
@marblecake I ate like a line backer when I was nursing. I think it’s common for nursing women to carry more fat. I’m sure you look amazing! I mean this as a compliment….you’re probably the new mom that most of us are jealous of. 🤣