I need some advice regarding my diet

@sugarcookies I’ll try to reduce my calories to see if there’s any changes. I thought since my bodyfat decreases and my muscle grow the calories intake should remain the same
@angel41 Honestly a 1000cal deficit is too much imo, and if you have any reasonable amount of muscle 1650 will not feel great. 1000cal puts you on track to lose 1.2% bodyweight this week. A better range to be in is like .5%-1% (just imo). Especially as you get leaner.

How is your lifestyle outside training? Do you do cardio? Active at work or have a desk job? I find it’s much easier to just walk 2-3 miles per day after the gym than to try cutting calories so hard. Eating tons of veggies and fruit helps as well. A variety of things like asparagus, peppers and onions, peas and carrots, brussel sprouts, etc will allow you to eat something different with your protein for every meal, and fill you up a lot.
@gladventist So i’m a full time student and hit the gym 5 times a week. I’m working 3 days week ,2 of it is in my rest day. My work involve quite a bit of walking (~15000 steps for 8hrs shift) as i’m filling shelves in supermarkets. During my workday i still remains eating 1650 cal.

I’ve been losing weight 1kg/week for 4 months straight from 90kg to 76kg with my old diet (1.5g protein/1kg body) but now i pumped up (2.1g protein/1kg body) for 2 weeks and i only lost 0.5kg/week now. That’s why i’m checking for mistake
@angel41 Maybe your maintenance calories is not 2650 like you seem to think. As you lose weight, your maintenance calories go down. And if you are having a cheat day where you eat “maintenance”, that could actually be a day where you have a surplus. Or maybe you are miscounting calories (you can’t always trust the package, it is easy to be off 100-200 calories every single day). So maybe in reality your weekly deficit average to 500/day. Like I said, I would add some walking on days that you don’t have work, and swap in lots of steamed vegetables where you can. 3 miles of walking on those other 3 days will amount to 300x4=1200 additional calories burned for the week.
@angel41 I will once again give my opinions on bio impedance scans for the 500th time in the hope that some body will listen:

They are a scam, through and through. They do not work, not even a little bit. ESPECIALLY not in an athletic population. They do NOT measure anything with any degree of certainty, and everything behind them is sunk cost fallacy of people who bought the machines, the lack of scientific and medical literacy in the bodybuilding world and marketing.

If theres a good study out there that verifies their use in a relevant population I'd love to see it. (It doesnt exist)

What these machines do is run a current through you, and then mathematically compare that to the results they got from corpses, which were later assessed for bodyfat. These corpses were of all ages and races and not from athletic populations. Think about how different the average gym goers body is from the average untrained heart attack victim of a similar age and weight. The machines have not been calibrated using relevant data, and are wildly extrapolating to attempt to understand what results they're getting. because they measure a spectrum of people at one stage of life, the results are especially poor at measuring change over time, as these currents will change WILDLY even with mild changes to your musculature. The ratio of skeletal muscle to everything else in your body makes the results meaningless, if they were only tested using one ratio (Dead people who didnt train tend to have low skeletal muscle compared to their organs, tendons and blood etc) This means that its about as accurate as a buddy eyeballing you with your shirt off.

Now that my ego-driven rant is out of the way, let me just say I think your macros are probably a bit on the low side, but the way to know for sure will be to run those numbers for a month, and then asses progress, and change the macros depending on how fast you are losing weight.
@nikkideamus Thanks for the insight of inbody scan. Yeah I scanned before reading about the inaccuracy days later. As a student, a Dexa scan cost too much and the inbody was like 20 AUD so that was the reason why I took it. I changed my diet recently from ordering prep meal to cooking my own food. So I'm just checking if I'm over eating something or if any other nutrition that I need to take into consideration.
@angel41 Do you really need to lose the weight that fast? At 20% body fat losing more than a pound a week is kind of overkill unless you're getting paid to do it. Doesn't look like you really need advice, just patience.
@andy316 Yeah I was trying to get a 6-pack summer body as summer is coming to Australia in December. My graduation is in December as well, so I just wanna make sure everything is on track so I can have memorable pictures of my body during my graduation + summer vacation.
@angel41 Well then you gotta remember that every kg you lose will be harder than the last one. It's going to take grit and willpower.

Best advice I have is to look up low calorie dense foods since they will help you feel more full. Egg whites are a good option.

Be safe and good luck.