Diet advice


New member
Hi I am not currently a vegan but intend on becoming vegan and would like some advice. I currently weigh 180 pounds and have a goal of getting down to 160 pounds ( this is due to a sport in which you are weighed). I’d like to be able to maintain this weight, I am not really overweight and have been that weight before. I am quite active and would like to have some cheap foods I can make to help me lose weight that are fairly easy to make and whether it’s worth counting calories as I burn a different amount each time.

I have been on the search bar and couldn’t really find anything specific to me or like meals to make e.g how to make them. I have a sweet tooth and am trying to curb the sugar abit. Also I am confused on whether or not you should reheat rice as I will have to make tupawear meals. Thanks any advice would be helpful.
@dhatura I started to eat less and less to see how much l needed, how hungry l really was. Helped me drop 5kg without feeling starved. Next l replaced part of the portion with a low-calorie sallad (spinach, carrot & melon) and another 5kg without feeling starved or deprived. I also mainly avoid half-fabricates and eat much fiber (like brown att nstead of white rice).

What you could do is to write EVERYTHING you eat in a day to get an aproximate how much of each macro nutrient you eat, in order to see what could be cut for a calorie decifit.

Also, if you do weights, hypertrophy training (6-12rm) has shown to have the best effect on fat reduction.
@dhatura I’m not a dietician and would suggest you find one to help you plan a sustainable diet, but as far as adopting a vegan lifestyle and losing weight, I would suggest avoiding fake-meat products as much as you can. They’re overwhelmingly all processed and may even be unhealthier than the alternatives. If you don’t already know how to cook healthy meals I would get a good vegan cookbook or seek out something for fare you really like. Meera Sodha’s Fresh India literally taught me how to cook when I became vegan, and I’ve watched dozens of hours of Jamie Oliver’s 15-minute recipes which I can adapt to be vegan. Cooking is, IMO, the best way to control your diet because you know exactly what’s in the meal and can adjust according to your needs and plans.
@dhatura if you don’t have a problem with it, counting cals is the first thing.

focus on protein, fiber, and low cal/high volume foods. it’s so easy to stay lean when you eat like this because you actually feel satisfied and not deprived. focus on whole foods.

it’s okay to indulge, just don’t go overboard. your diet should be 80/20 which is 80% whole foods and 20% whatever you want.

replace sugary foods with healthier alternatives that still hit the spot. i love endangered species chocolate and protein pancakes . vegan protein bars can also hit the sweet tooth, i personally like nugo bars and the new lenny & larry cookie bars.
@dawn16 I think the sugar causes me skin problems too so probably a good idea it’s mostly binge eating so probably worth counting the calories up