Do I need to switch my routine up?


New member
I’m a 54m need to drop drop 20 to 25 pounds. I used to run 15-30 miles a week depending on my work schedule. Have had knee issues so moved to a Peloton. I’m on the bike 3-5 days a week but can’t lose an ounce. I also use the strength workouts that are on Peloton but usually they lead to tennis elbow.
My goal is to tone and drop some weight. I do eat fairly healthy but I do have a 4 hour daily commute. Share your thoughts. I know I need to reduce my commute but that’s not happening for at the very least one more year.
@teacup64 Are you tracking caloric intake? Weight loss starts there... And it's important to be accurate. If you're exercising that much and not losing weight, you must still be in a caloric surplus.
@teacup64 You're welcome. It's very easy for all of us to consume more than we think. As a small woman who's not very active, I have a tiny margin for error. Once you start losing weight, you may be able to ease up on the measuring by sticking to certain meals and packaged foods whose calorie content you know.
@roberto1820 What he said. That was my first thought, when you said you’re putting in the work, but not losing weight. If you burn more calories than you’re taking in, how can you not lose weight?
@teacup64 There is no such think as tone. There is either build muscle or not build muscle.

If you build muscle it will increase your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). What that means is the more muscle you have the more calories you burn in a rested state.

I'm 62, 5'-11, 215# and 17% bodyfat. I can eat pretty much anything I want (I don't usually do sugars, sweets, candy or soft drinks as a rule.) I have a better body at the beach than most guys 1/3rd my age.

So, bottom line, if you want to look good in the mirror without your shirt off, real weight training in a hypertrophy specific style is what's going to do it for you.

Not being ugly, just being honest and helpful. When you get our age you don't have a lot of time to waste on unproductive exercise programs.
@laditori I disagree.

These are the same people who say things like, "I don't want to look like a big bodybuilder."

The fact of the matter is, 99.9% of people will never look like a bodybuilder no matter how hard they try, because it takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

You have to really put in some serious effort to achieve a good body, work work your ass off to build some decent muscle, and then count macros until you have the desired bodyfat so you can show off those newly built muscles. And when it's all said and done, you are going to be fortunate to look really "toned."

Point is... By saying "I want to get toned." you are already sending a subtle message to yourself that says, "I'm not willing to put in the work it's going to take to look really good." "I'm just going to sort of go at this half assed, because I don't want to get big and bulky." So what you are doing psychologically is setting an artificially low bar for yourself.

Bottom line... If you want to look good, work your ass off in the gym and in the kitchen, and if you are lucky you just might build enough muscle and lose enough fat to look pretty decent with your clothes off.
@kimmyk401 I find that people who claim they don't understand what people mean when they say "toned" are often snobs. It's not a hard concept to grasp. They're also often men talking down to women. While it's true that most women aren't going to look like bodybuilders without steroids, they will get bigger and many women are sensitive about the areas where they put on muscle.
@teacup64 Hi man. I’m in similar situation. I found doing a slight calorie reduction has helped move the scale and reduce waist. I’m 5’9 51 went from my maintenance calorie intake of 2200 to 1800. That is my new maintenance intake.
@teacup64 Calorie intake is KING!! Age doesn’t matter on how much you eat. For me (50M), I have significantly cut portions as well as almost entirely getting rid of drinking alcohol. Alcohol has to be the worst! Just be honest with yourself about how much you consume daily. Weight loss occurs in the kitchen. Not the gym.
@teacup64 The commute is brutal. I did a long driving one for 12 years, and found it physically difficult. My hands hurt all the time.

Does the Peleton track your exertion, or do you have a watch-type tracker?

I was cycling on local roads for a good while during the pandemic, and was just not pushing myself hard enough to keep up my conditioning. It seems to take burning 700 calories or more an hour to even maintain my fitness. My current weight is around 230.

My main exertion in the gym is the elliptical, but I go through my strength training fast enough to keep my heart rate up.