Do you Snatch with your thumb facing Forward or Backward?


New member
I've always done snatches with a grip on the handle where my thumb is pointing backward. This allows me to perform a more rotational motion on the way up (which lessens the impact on my forearms).

But I've recently seen lots of folks on social media doing snatches with thumbs facing forward or having a neutral grip where the handle is parallel on the swing back.

Which way do you perform your snatches?

I learned how to snatch using Mark Wildman's video where he recommends a thumb facing backward grip on the handle:
@devonna You can do both

Thumb forward aka pistol grip , keep the little finger on the back of the bell when in swing phase up and down, as the little finger accounts for 50 percent of hand strength , it’s used in sport as you can go faster and get more reps as you cut down a rotation phase

The twirl or traditional way is still used a lot by a lot of lifters as it feels stronger especially when fatiguing

Play with both and see what works for you , as they will both carry over to your clean with single and double bells
@devonna All of the above. I’ve messed around pretty extensively with thumbs forward, backward and neutral. I’ve hit SSST with thumbs forward, I just got 95 32KG in 5 minutes with thumbs back the other day.

It seems entirely preference based to me. Lately I’ve been liking thumbs forward in the double clean and it feels great.

Edit: and 100 24KG in 3:10 with mostly neutral wrist to be strict during my RKC.
@devonna I always do thumb backward because I’ve heard it minimizes injury risk. That way your elbow joint is pointing towards your body when the bell comes down, so that you don’t accidentally bend your elbow backwards if your swing comes in too hot. Instead your elbow can just bend to allow the bell to keep going behind you even if your arm stops at your waist.

But I am a total amateur so don’t quote me on that.
@rkm Oh I don’t doubt that, not trying to say it’s better or anything. But I’m far from a pro, so I’m gonna go with whatever has the lowest risk of me fucking myself up. Idk if there’s any real difference in that aspect either though, but I’d love to hear more takes on it.
@brewersgirl74 I snatch thumb forward too, and I’ve never had any problem. So does /@lrs6 and she’s the snatch queen 🤗

I don’t think either way is more likely to lead to injury, it just boils down to anatomy and personal preference!
@rkm i love thumbs forward but I agree - anatomy and personal preference. some of my clients do thumbs forward and some thumbs back and some are a neutral grip. gotta play around with it to see what feels best with your body.