Do you think it’s doable for me to lose 6% of my body fat in 6 weeks?


New member
I’m doing a 6 week challenge and my goal wasn’t necessarily weight loss but muscle gain and lowering my body fat instead. Do you think it’s possible to lose 1% of my body fat per week?

Currently 136 lbs and I’m 5’3 21F
@marylouise Definitely should have done more research before I signed up. Hoping there’s a way I could pull out the challenge since I only signed up last night
@evanea It would help to know what your current body fat percentage is, but it will probably come out to losing a little more than 1 pound of fat per week which is doable if you’re consistent but you’d have to be in a pretty big deficit.
@evanea The more you start with the quicker you can lose it. Once you get done to lower numbers you have to work much harder. I really have to work to get from 21 to anywhere close to 20. My goal is 19 but I don’t think I’ll ever work hard enough to get theee.
@megnic7 I signed up at this kickboxing place for a 6 week challenge, pretty much you put down your deposit and if you reach your goal you get your money back. I really like the classes I just wish I did more research on it before I commuted tbh, really hoping I can reach my goal and get my $$ back
@felix2004 That’s what I kinda realized :// don’t know if there’s a way I can refund and get out of it now, I only signed up last night. If not hopefully I can reach the goal I guess, expensive lesson to learn. The manager seemed very encouraging and wanting me to succeed but I’m not sure if it was genuine or a business move. He told me based on how I did in my first class he thought it’d be very easy to achieve my goal if not lose more body fat than my goal.
@evanea I worked with a girl who signed up for a similar program and she had very noticeable results at the end! I think it is possible but it’s hard work. You may not earn your money back, but those programs definitely kick people into shape. Try and measure your current BF% and that will give you a better idea of what is achievable. If you are already a low bf% you probably will not being seeing a refund.
@evanea 1% is 1.3 lbs per week which is a deficit of 4550 per week or 650 per day. It can be done but not sustainable. The one time I tried a large deficit the weight loss flew
Off then flew back on. I aim for .5%