Does anyone do CrossFit and strength training on alternating days?


New member
I was thinking of doing the daily WOD at my box M,W,S then do something like a 5/3/1 at my home gym on T, TH, F. Let me know if you have any experience doing this and if it worked out for you. Thanks!
@nicholas29 Hey brother, I just finished a cycle of 5/3/1 literally today. I can definitely say it worked out well for me. I would usually hit my 5/3/1 lifts then go do the metcon after.

I didn’t really have a set day I would hit each lift; I just made sure by the end of the week I completed all the programmed lifts.
@nicholas29 Hey I've been taking easy the last few weeks but my usual routine is to do strength 3x per week, class 3-4 times per week, and cardio 2oshx per week. So my ideal scenario is like this

Sunday - strength

Monday - crossfit

Tuesday - strength (am) crossfit (pm)

Wednesday - rest

Thursday - strength (am) crossfit (pm)

Friday - crossfit

Saturday - rest/easy cardio

During the week I'll replace one class or strength day with a run or add a run to Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday if I'm feeling good. The biggest thing that helped me was programing rest days. 2 a week. Sometimes the wod looks fun though and I mess up or work schedule messes things up.
@dawn16 It’s separated by enough and I usually get to the gym early so doing strength on an empty stomach never works out and I hate cardio with food in my stomach in the afternoon. Just have to recovery through the day.
Not always, especially if they're a bunch of hours apart. Some folks like to do lighter WODs that wind up being more cardio-y to wake up in the AM.

Ultimately if you're not getting paid to do it, it's most important that you like your schedule and are not getting injured-everything else is a bonus.
@dawn16 In the same session yes, but with 2-a-days the positives (for the practicalities of real life) of the strength workout being the evening one outweigh the negatives of fatigued training etc.
@nicholas29 I do my strength and WOD on the same day. I would do the strength training first, just because you'll feel fresher and stronger, but I found that this was best, and allowed for more improvement because I was able to do more throughou the week.