I’m only about 8 weeks into weight lifting and I’m crazy stiff. Does anyone have a stretching or yoga routine that they can share?

@melissa75 If you can, in addition to stretching, I love doing epsom soaks and foam rolling. I also find taking creatine has helped with my soreness buuuttt could be more mental than anything.
@melissa75 Hi. I always recommend streching before and after every workout at least 10 min, before the workout helps your body to warm up and prevent an injury when you are working out and after the workout helps your body to feel less stiff and sore.

Here are some recommendations:

The sport yogi has good videos how to strech and combines some exercises of yoga, he uploads more on instagram but i will share both of his accounts https://instagram.com/thesportyogi?igshid=5p18hjes953y https://www.youtube.com/c/TheSportYogi

Kaisa fit has also great videos for strech and mobility https://instagram.com/kaisafit?igshid=1ovo9yyk17zq3

I also love this account has a lot of videos for begginers of yoga and you can use whatever works for you to strech https://instagram.com/maryochsner?igshid=18rgvtook5k8

For upper body you cand do this

For lower body

I hope it helps.
@melissa75 I will always recommend the app Down Dog! You can customize the yoga session you want to do with the amount of time, intensity, and amount of instruction. I’ve been doing strength training and the yoga sessions have been helping with doms and overall flexibility
@chemistrygeek PSA: Students can get down dog for free until June (I think) 1st due to the pandemic, school closures, etc. Sign up with your school email and if it doesn’t have “.edu” in it then search “down dog student” on google, fill out the form on what should be the first link, go sign up on the app with the email you put in on the form and voila! :)

Oh, and it also works for their barre and HIIT/workout app.
@chemistrygeek I love Down Dog! I’ve been setting it to focus on my shoulders I should probably just do it more frequently. It’s been pretty sporadic. Do you do it before working out?
@melissa75 You should always stretch prior to any exercise. Go to Athlene-X on YouTube and search for proper stretches. For the time being, intake some potassium and some pickle juice to reduce the inflammation and stiffness from lifting.

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