does this work for turning fat to muscle?


New member
i’m 14, 5’11 and 180 pounds of that matters. my parents are split and i split time with them so sometimes i only have processed food and sometimes i live by whole foods.

weekly workout routine, 2-4 times a week

strength training:

30 minute jogs, 1 minute run, 2 minute walk

Diet (flexible, every day)

breakfast: sunny side eggs or scrambled, cereal if in hurry but not to be usual, smoothie

lunch: pb&j and goldfish
dinner: whatever is being served

desert once or twice a week, small portions

Sleep schedule

11-8 on weekdays. flexible but should be earlier

weekends are not tracked
@mattm1982 Turning fat into muscle is impossible, it’s just not how the body works, it’s two different processes.
Burning fat is achieved by burning more calories than you consume.
Building muscle is achieved by putting stress on the muscles and consuming enough protein to build them back stronger.
Your workout routine is a good start for a beginner. In time you’ll have to increase in difficulty but don’t listen to anyone saying you need to mix it up to “confuse your muscle” or anything like that. It’s not true, you just need to be able to progressively add more stress to the muscle to keep building them. This can be done with more weight or reps.
Your diet needs work, your number one and two priorities are more protein and less sugar. Ditch the PBJ and Goldfish. Start thinking about the food you eat as fuel for your car. If you want to be a Ferrari you need to use premium fuel.
Lastly find some good Youtubers to watch consistently to build up your knowledge, Athleanx is a good one to get started.
Good luck .
@mattm1982 There's no sure way you can turn fat to muscle. What you can do is exactly what your proposing and keep moving, lift weights and rest. Looks like your off to a good start, perhaps if you can afford it get a smart watch which tracks your movements to encourage you? Just remember to change things up every month or so otherwise your muscles get used to what your doing and get complacent and most importantly font be hard on yourself if every once in a while you have a takeout x
@mattm1982 You’re so young! Focus on calisthenics, like push ups, sit ups, crunches, and go for jogs. You don’t NEED to focus on weighted lifts at your age. Diet is also significant, practice counting your calories (not because you need to) but it’s good to know what exactly you’re putting into your body
@mattm1982 You’re young have fun with it. If you enjoy this routine and eating plan then sticking with it is going to be cake, if not then try different exercises/meals until you do but the most important part is consistency when it comes to burning fat and building muscle. You are 14 it’s very possible you will lose fat and gain muscle you are so young