Doubled weight in pregnancy. 8mos PP. Have 2 10lb barbells and 35lb kettlebell. What’s my timeline on losing this weight??


New member
Before pregnancy I weighed 100lbs. I am 5’1”. Two years later after a pregnancy loss at 17 weeks and full term pregnancy and the birth of my baby I hit 200lb. I am now 154.

I am two weeks into home workouts using the weights and combo workouts I find on tik tok. I don’t know if that sounds stupid but it’s been working for me. I did hurt my hips doing squats so those are out for a while.

I do 5 minute workouts here and there while I’m working from home and then a 30 minute workout on my lunch.

Any tips on getting weight off fastest? I am too short to be this heavy. I have never felt so bad about myself in my life. I’m ready to feel good about myself again. Help.
@tiffy420 The general guideline seems to be that losing 1 pound per week is sustainable. So in your case it will take about a year. If you try to go faster, it makes it more likely that it could lead to yo-yo dieting.

While it's good that you're exercising, I think diet and calories are more important. You don't really burn that many calories while working out (maybe 500 cal/hour), but you can eat 500 calories in a few minutes if you're not careful.
@satanworshiper666 I hardly eat. I know thats bad in itself. I’m on a stimulant for my adhd and it makes eating feel like torture. I probably have one small meal a day. I know it’s better to have multiple small meals. Something I can work on.
@tiffy420 That's a whole different set of challenges, I did not anticipate that this was your situation.

In that case, make sure that what you're eating is the highest quality in terms of protein, vitamins, and minerals. By getting enough protein, you can ensure you benefit from your workouts. Maybe try a high-quality whey protein powder.
@tiffy420 My brother's a physical therapist and lived with me for a few months paying off his student loans after moving back home from travel work. He said 5lbs a week was okay if youre severely overweight. I was using a calorie counting app and he helped correct some of my workout forms. But I was on medication thats side effect suppressed appetite at the time.
@maejjs It’s a blessing and a curse really. I know the weight I have lost already is due to the medication because up until two weeks ago I was only walking once a week at most.