Doubts regarding Supplements?


New member
Now I'm on my weight loss journey. My body fat would be around 28% now.

I'm going to start my weight training after weight loss. I'm planning to take the supplements below.
  1. Creatine
  2. Multivitamin and omega 3
  3. BCAA
  4. L-Gultamine
  5. L-Arginine (Tablets)
  6. L-Carnitine (Tablets)
  7. Ashwagandha ksm 66
  8. Shilajit
  9. Vitamin D
If you think any can be removed kindly mention i will exclude it.
@soldieroflogos Apart from creatine and omega 3 you really don't need any other supplement. You can avoid creatine too if you are beginner.

For vit D supplement, get your blood checked and consult with a doctor. You can take multivitamin, but you really don't need to if you are eating well balanced meal having veggies and fruits. If you want to, keep changing brands every 2 months. Check if your multivitamin has vit D or not, if you consult a doctor for vitD, follow his advise for multivitamin too.

BCAA, Carnitine and Glutamine are useless.

Instead of Arginine go for citrulline malate, it works better. Use as pre-workout.

You can take Ashwagandha as stress relief and to calm you down.

I'd say take caffeine and citrulline malate as pre workout.
Creatine if you are intermediate or experienced lifter.
Electrolyte, if your workout last more than 90 minutes and you sweat a lot.
Ashwagandha and shilajit, if you have extra money to spend.
Whey protein, if you are unable to complete protein intake from your diet.
Always take vitamin and mineral supplements after consulting with doctor.
@soldieroflogos A lot of those supplements apart from a few are worthless. The benefits of them will be marginal at best. A lot of the benefits from these supplements can be obtained from just focusing on lifestyle correction and getting into a sustainable fitness/diet routine.

The only ones i'd recommend are Whey, Creatine, Vit D if you don't go out much. L Carnitine works but the bio-availability of oral administration is very low, so you'll have to megadose it to get any benefit in terms of actual fat loss.

You shouldn't be needing multivitamins as that should be getting covered from the diet. If you get enough protein throughout the day you don't need BCAAs as well. Glutamine/Arginine have no benefit that's worth the cost, and efficacy of them is doubtful even then.

Shilajit i've never taken, and haven't felt the need for it., and again the efficacy is dubious in my opinion.

Ashwagandha might have some benefits especially if you're leading a stressful life and or have anxiety, but i've never felt the need to use it myself so can't say.
@soldieroflogos Damn, are you planning on opening a pharmacy or what? .....jk

I don't think apart from protein powder and creatine you need anything.

Multivitamins and omega 3 are also good but take them from a reputed brand.
@soldieroflogos The supplement you mentioned will help you build muscle more than fat loss. At 28% body fat you should focus more on cutting that fat and then putting on some muscle. I'd recommend taking Multivitamins, Omega 3, and L-Carnitine (Liquid) only from that list. You don't need all these supplements while cutting fat. Also, you haven't mentioned whey protein.
@soldieroflogos Okay thanks.Are they really good? I am asking because i was thinking to start but was confused because many suggested me that most brands(Zandu,Patanjali,Dabur) are not good and do more harm with their metals and chemicals.