Dumbbell exercises to prepare for pull ups and push ups


New member
so I am 130 kg and cant make a single push up also cant make a single pull up.

I have two 10Kgr (each) dumbbells* though that I can lift and move with relative ease.

I am not a fan of negative pull-ups push-ups or how these are called.

I also am not a fan of inclined push-ups (maybe pullups with a resistive band as help are fine but I dont have one) because they are too easy but also seem uncomfortable (e.g I hear clicking noises coming from my elbow joints and my tendons feel iffy after too many reps)

But with the Dumbbells I dont have any of these ... so I wonder what exercises could strengthen the muscle groups on my hand (or what ever else may be needed e.g chest shoulders etc) so that I will be able to start doing normal push ups or pull ups without "cheats"

Obviously whatever I lift would help I guess so I am asking the "best bang for buck" aka a workout routine that will have the least possible sets to exercise the maximum possible relevant to the goal muscle groups, with dumbbells from a guy here that knows

E.g Do "A" 10 times "B" 30 times "C" 10 times in order to strengthen "X" "Y" "Z" muscle groups is better/more preferable than

Do "I" 3 times "J" 5 times "L"4 times "Q" 5 times "z" 5 times "e" 6 times "t" 3 times etc (so many different sets/exercises even if they are less reps each, assuming that both ways ABC and IJLQZET strengthen the same XYZ muscle groups at the same rate at the end of the day)
  • they are with removable plates and I also have two extra 2,5kgr plates so I can make in total one 22,5 kgr dumbbell out of all of these if needed.
@bonabeans A. Dumbbell Floor Press: This targets the chest muscles, which are crucial for push-ups. It also hits the triceps and shoulders to a lesser extent, which are also utilized when doing pushups. Scott Herman has a great video outlining how to do it:
. Do 4 sets of 12 reps, if possible.

B. Bent-Over Dumbbell Row: This targets the upper back muscles, such as the lats, traps, rhomboids, and rear delts, which are needed for pull-ups. Great short tutorial demonstrating it:
. Do 4 sets of 12 reps, if possible.

If you can't hit 12 reps with those current weights you have, then that's okay - you can do as few as 6 reps if that's what you're capable of at the moment, and then work your way up over time to 12 reps. Also after you become more adept at these exercises at these weights, then consider purchasing some heavier weights.
@bonabeans i think 10kgs will get too easy quickly. look into the bodyweightfitness recommended routine and using regressions:

- knee pushups.

- negative only pullups.

- inverted rows and rack chins.

- assisted with a resistance band
@mommajulesberry Well wont doing more reps help ?
Also they have plates and I have some extra too so I can either make two 12,5kgr or one 22,5 kgr

knee pushups.
- negative only pullups.
- inverted rows and rack chins.
- assisted with a resistance band

Yea that's everything I want to avoid or dont have (resistance band) :p
@bonabeans The other user is right. You can only add so many reps before the weight just won't cause adaptation anymore. You could buy more dumbbells, but that will get expensive quickly if you want to do the job properly. I think the hypertrophy range is something like 3-30 reps. For reference, I use dumbbells in weight ranging from 15-95 lbs, and I'm not a big guy.

Frankly, if you want to change your strength levels and physique you are going to have to get out of your comfort zone. Do things your body doesn't necessarily Iike doing. Things like clicking and soreness are just part of the process. Bands are a good investment. I use mine almost every day. They are relatively cheap also.

Edit: Here is an example of what a decent dumbbell program looks like. Please note, even with a wide range of dumbbell sizes it is still considered a "stopgap" or bridge program.

Hope that helped.
@ivans Thanks for your link and I get that there are diminishing returns up to a point but I think I am not there yet since I cant do even a single "legal" pushup.

But to be honest I find you a little bit exaggerating I mean 95lbs is like 40Kgr right?

Those are dumbbells a youtuber I know (Anatoly), who is lean and not bulky but still a professional powerlifter, uses to impress huge hulk looking guys at the gym lol

Hence I am pretty sure they are overkill for my present fitness state.

I mean I am not a weak guy I certainly can lift 40Kgr but I doubt I could do different sets of many reps each, there is a difference between the maximum weight I can lift once and the weight I can pump in a loop for half an hour or so. (ok I know not being able to make a pushup doesnt sound like that but I dont know why that is either, but I am like obese 130kgr that could be a reason + the issue may not be in my arms but in my under developed chest which is flat I dont even have manboobs )
@ivans For now my target is only to manage to do 1 push up and 1 pull up
Then to do 2 pushup and 2 pull ups.

and I want to manage to get to the first push-up with the help of dumbbells for the reasons I described in the OP.
@bonabeans And I'm trying to explain to you that you don't have the necessary tools to achieve your goals. Especially without significant weight loss.