Dumbbell or other exercises to strengthen wrists? F 35

@jambalaya16 Don’t hit hard without good form. Even for bag with…Wrap wrists with a long wrap and buy your own gloves, maybe 16 ounces. For dexterity and slow strength building you can also use a speed bag.
@jambalaya16 As others mentioned wraps, more important than gloves. Also gloves come in different weights/padding, take a chunky one, it will slow you down.

And if you never done this stuff when you were younger, it will be hard on your wrists and elbows. Take it lightly at first till your body adapts. Also you will develop better control in time. Punch will come with a snap, not just drive through. So you will be "playing" lightly, then a quick snap or two bam bam....

I was doing kick and boxing from my teen years and never had any problems, but I see lots of older people(well now my age :D) that after a month are having pain all over the place, body needs to adapt and it takes time when youre older(ish).
@jambalaya16 Consistent yoga practice. When I stop for a while, I can tell my wrists have gotten weaker because of how they feel when holding downward dog and other positions. I love Yoga with Adriene for home practice.
@jambalaya16 I think all you can try to do is more gradually expose your wrists to stress. If you have a lot of wrist pain with what you’re doing, you need lower the training dose. Don’t stop entirely, just try to find a more manageable volume, and work it up gradually. Supportive devices could help reduce the stress a well.

Good luck.
@jambalaya16 straight arm planks, dead hangs, dumbbell wrist curls. if you like to be more active (seems like that's likely since you box :) ), then animal flow is also really good at strengthening wrists (and everything else!)