Enter the Kettlebell or Return of the Kettlebell?


New member
I've been looking for a book to dive into regarding kettlebells. I've been using them for a few years, and they've been my primary training tool for the past 2, so while I'm far from an expert I don't feel like I need a "beginner" book. I enjoyed Simple and Sinister by Pavel and I implement aspects of it into my workouts and was looking at EtK and RotK.

Should I pick one over the other? Both? Is Return just a newer version or should I read Enter and Return in order?

Thanks for reading!
@cglil I believe the typical order of Pavel books is as follows: S&S, EoTK (aka Rite of Passage), then RoTK. EoTK is a single bell clean and press program with some swings/snatches. RoTK is a double kettlebell program with some more advanced movements, such as the double snatch, long cycle, and double front squats. If I remember correctly RoTK mentions to do EoTK program and reach a half bodyweight single arm press before starting with doubles. Both programs are scalable to your current level though, however RoTK is definitely a more advanced program.
@cglil Pavel’s books are 90% stories, hyperbole and Russian tough guy schtick, and 10% exercise program. Seriously, the books are entertaining, but the actual content could be covered in five pages.

If you want a bit more science, consider Kettlebells From The Center - Dynami by Gray Cook and Brett Jones - it has some excellent content.
@cglil Dunno, I bought the book years ago. It seems there used to be an accompanying DVD too. I just came across a website called functionalmovement.com which appears to have it available for download including the text and video.
@cglil If I remember correctly, neither were that much based into the science behind kettlebells. RoTK I believe had a bit more science-based programming following old Russian coaches. In terms of the specific benefits, like Simple and Sinister had outlined in one of the chapters, there isn't much in these books. EoTK was more of a primer book for kettlebell movements, and RoTK just further expanded on it. Both books were a good read, but nothing you couldn't get from some googling or perusing of this subreddit.
@jim_68 Kettlebell Sport a Training Methodology Tutorial by Denis Vasilev Second Edition Revised and Updated by Denis Vasilev

The methodology I present in this book is the result of many years of work. It was first published in 2015 as part of my university thesis and only contained 47 pages. What you currently hold in your hands is the updated and expanded second edition. Where the first edition sought topresent a general description of the most modern and effective training methods for kettlebell sport, this current edition now provides the specific details of each of these training methods.

Each topic is described in depth with accompanying graphics and illustrations that are meant to serve as an additional learning aid. Also included in this second edition are ready-to-implement beginner training programs for all three kettlebell sport exercises (Jerk, Snatch, and Long Cycle). I've also added advanced training program templates based on my most successful training cycles during my competitive career. Another significant addition is that I've divided this book into two main parts.

Part I tackles the nuts and bolts of programming, beginning with a brief history of how the modern training methods came to be. It also outlines the general training principles that underlie a rational kettlebell sport program. Afterwards, I discuss in-depth the actual methodology I use for constructing and arranging the different training elements. By the end of this section, you will be able to form a coherent and logical kettlebell sport program that you can use in your own training.

Part II contains an elaborate self-analysis of my own results during my career and is aimed to provide the reader with a general impression of how I applied my methodology to my own lifting. My hope is that my reflections can serve as a useful example of how you can analyze your own progress so that you can make better decisions that will improve your chances of success in kettlebell sport. The intention of this book is to provide you with all the basic tools and foundational knowledge that will allow you to create a personalized and effective kettlebell sport program for yourself and for your students.

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