F, 58. Repeat DXA revealed those couple pounds I couldn’t shake were 1.8lbs added muscle! Whaaaat 💪


New member
TLDR: DXA shows 58 already-fit woman gains muscle and bone with 16:8 IF, keto, and lifting 3x week. Even after lifting 10 years.

The mods asked me to edit this to ensure it met the DXA post guidelines. Here [ ] is a link to my report.

Got a repeat DXA yesterday. Was discouraged that I couldn’t get back to my 2017 weight—couple stubborn pounds. Keto, IF, and lifting—scale wouldn’t budge. Felt futile.

DXA showed that I’d added 1.8lbs of muscle and lost a tiny bit of body fat (0.4%), on my hips and waist. Also a 7% increase in bone density. (FU, osteoporosis!!!) Been lifting for 10 yrs but have kicked it up in the last two. (My BF seems high bc, boobs.)

I learned:

*doing the right things WORKS. Eat all the protein.

*I can improve at any age, not just tread water. I will NOT go quietly into old-ladydom. I will kick, scream, and lift all the things. Get out of my squat rack.

*GET A BASELINE DXA. Having my 2017 data made my day, literally.

*”Fasting will ruin all your gains” is, in fact, BS. #leangains

*DXA is better than photos in my 50s because, well, comparing semi-nude photos of yourself today to two years ago IS NOT FUN.

The mods required me to add this information specifically in order to get this post restored.

F, 58, 5'2". Stats from DXA done on a GE Lunar Prodigy Primo:

2017: weight 122, BF 28.8%, lean mass 83.7 lbs

2019: weight 124.2, BF 28.4%, lean mass 85.5 lbs

Fitness Past: been lifting for 10 years, 3x week. Occasional HIIT and some LISS.

Current Diet: Keto, specifically 14% carbs, 59% fat, 27% protein. Why? At 58, I can't eat as many calories as when I was younger so I prefer calorie dense food that provides satiation.

Current Workout: Citizen Athletics Foundational Strength for six months, 3x week. Works all the major lifts and accessories really well for me. Prior was purchased group workout from Sohee Lee, also 3x week.

Edit: mobile formatting
Edit 2: things mods required I add to restore my post
@eddycharles Wow, wow, wow! This is AMAZING. I love all your tips and advice, thank you so much as I am quite new to this! Getting a baseline result is so important in my opinion for everything. I'm an optometrist so I always tell my clients to take a 'baseline' image of their retina so we can compare it to the future. Same thing applies for everything else. Keep up your work, respect to you for your dedication!
@paloma_91 You’re kind! Good luck to you and always ask this awesome community for help! I can tell you’ll succeed since you have that eighth day to work out ;)

Also you’ll appreciate that I was determined to “work out” my eyes muscles to get rid of my presbyopia—-no lazy muscles in my body! Until my optometrist explained they were smooth muscle. Oh well.
@eddycharles I just did a six week strength building boot camp and lost 8lbs and kept thinking that felt off, when I did I scan I found out I overall lost 10lbs of fat and gained 2lbs of muscle (in six weeks!)

Eating all the protein and lifting works y'all.
@eddycharles What an amazing post, thank you!! Getting old is scary (better than the alternative tho) and it’s incredibly encouraging to know I can still build muscle and increase bone density as I age.
@ayaba Body composition scan. Very nifty. Flat bed with a scanner that slowly goes head to toe over you (6 mins) then shows amazing detail about muscle/fat/bone, including comparing left and right.
@eddycharles Any tips for finding a reputable DXA place? How much should they run? Was going to hold off until closer to goal but since I don’t take progress photos, maybe will get it done now...
@vladimir21 I had mine done at Composition ID in DC. $100. They’ve offered me coupons up to $50 off (for days I couldn’t get there).

There are often Groupons for these. I wanted to return to same place with my saved data, and use same equipment for continuity (GE Healthcare Prodigy Primo). Maybe try asking GE who has one in your area? There are also mobile trucks...

I think it’s so important to get a baseline that I’m buying my 24 yr old daughter one!