F25, 5'3'', 135lb, GW: 125lb. Looking for similar MFP ladies for accountability! (x-post in /r/LoseitBuddies)


New member
For years I've told myself I'd lose that 10 lbs. I'm generally healthy and moderately active, but have been having trouble tracking how much I really eat... I logged my food intake on and off with MFP, but it's been challenging with 1200. At some point last year I measured 128lbs, (SO CLOSEEE) but rebounded and now back to fluctuating 1-2 lbs in the 133lbs (UGHHH). I'd be really thankful to find anyone who would be open sharing MFP diaries and keep each other accountable!

Edit: Thank you for the overwhelming response! I'm still adding most of you. So often in real life, I get put down that "you don't need to lose weight!" etc. when I discuss my plans... Here I find like-minded buddies! You ladies all rock! Let's do this together!!

Edit2: Created a group! If you have a better group name, msg me 'cause I suck at naming things hahah

Edit3: Also, it helps me MOST when I SHARE MY FOOD DIARIES so I am not cheating myself out of it. On mobile, it's under Settings> Diary Settings> Diary Sharing AND Set it either to Public or Friends Only.

Edit4: Add yourself & friend other members - - also, say hi in the Forum section!

Thank you ladies!
@legendforlife Wow, I know it's been said a bunch already but, it's really awesome to know that there are other 5 footish women out there that are working on such similar goals as mine. I'm 5ft 1", was very, very active in my teen years and now at 29 I'm constantly fighting with around 15 lbs of weight. I'll get on a fit kick, get halfway to my goal, start to see results and then...things sorta fizzle out and I go right back up. I'm at 130ish right now and my goal is to get down to either 115 or 110. I don't weight my self much. I'm more focused on if I like what I see in the mirror and I prefer to be more muscular. I'm excited about the MFP group and I've already joined. My username there is: feladele. Thanks to OP for starting this :)

Edit: spelling :)