How to progress pull-ups? (F25)

@carollcsw This is true and that bicep work would benefit for that scenario, however I've personally seen all the pull ups/chinups etc focus on the back as the primary muscle group to work, and the bicep from a chin up as a secondary benefit. It will work it, but if you're wanting to build them specifically there's better workouts for it.
@carollcsw Why would carry an injured person in front of you? Maybe a smaller child but only a strongman could pull that off for an kind of run ing distance. In an emergency you'd be loading them up on to your back to run.
@notmyname Congratulations on 5, that’s already more than plenty of people. As others have said, you need to increase your frequency of training to continue to progress. I would recommend the Armstrong pull-up program. It’s easy, simple, and free. You can find it on Google and just add it to your current routine. It only involves a quick morning and evening routine. The morning is 3 sets of push-ups to failure, I did mine in between brushing teeth, getting dressed, etc. then you have a different evening pull-up routine each night, but only Mon-Friday. That way you get to train every portion of the pull-up. You’ll do narrow, wide, chins one day and a pyramid the next. If you adhere to it, you’ll progress. Its soo simple and translates to strength in a ton of areas