Fake Tan v. Sweat


New member
Hey all!

So, here's my dilemma -- looking to get a fake tan before I go on vacation next week, but I work out every morning and I drench myself in sweat. We're talking "soaked through shirt and pants, dripping on the ground during body weight exercises" kinda sweat.

Basically, I'm worried that I'm gonna get myself looking nice and slightly off-white (where my see-through pale friends at?!) and then I'll sweat it all off and look like a runny monster. Does anyone have any experience in this arena? Any recommendations for spray vs. self tanner? Any brands or pro tips?
@lifeabundant Self tan at night. Shower, exfoliate, shave, moisturize your hands/wrists/elbows/knees/ankles/feet, put on nonpowdered disposable gloves or a mitt, and apply. Go section by section and make sure you blend well and make sure everything is even. Let dry before getting dressed/going to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, shower to wash off the guide and teriyaki chicken smell. You should not experience any bleeding while sweating after you've showered off the guide. I use Banana Boat Summer Color in Deep Dark Color. It's for all skin tones, so don't let the color name scare you. I did 3 applications to start: 1st the first night, shower in the morning and 2nd application, shower at night and 3rd application. The result makes me look like I spent a long weekend at the beach. I then maintain by applying every 3rd day or so. Lightly exfoliating and moisturizing helps to keep it from fading all gross and scaly. And wear dark clothes the first gym session after just incase you do bleed for what ever reason.
@lifeabundant I recommend a spray tan as close to the day you leave on your trip as possible (ideally the night before). You go, get sprayed, wait until the next morning (pre-workout) to rinse, then you're good to go. It looks best the first few days, starts wearing off after a week or so. It's important to know that a spray tan reacts with your skin cells to create a tan, rather than painting you, so it's exfoliation that causes it to come off, not sweat.

What will come off with sweat is the actual liquid that they mist you with. I usually get clear for mine, but you can get bronzing ones as well that will give you a little bit more color (good for if you want to walk out of the booth looking tan). I've used both Norvell and VersaSpa, Norvell is my favorite but they both turn out well, I recommend checking out Yelp - people take their tans very seriously on there.

For reference, I'm see-through pale and I get what they call a "2 clear" although I've been told that a "1 bronze" would look good on me. This turns me into a nice color of normal person for a solid 2 weeks, with a little wear on my bra line and such after the first week.
@lifeabundant Ok, so wait the 8 hours usually recommended to shower and then DO shower. You want the cosmetic overlay (idk the real terminology) to wash off and be left with self tan. Google should have more info on this! But this will remove what you'll usually be sweating off (if you sweat off the cosmetic overlay instead of rinsing it off, it will dry on you in patches because it has no where to go).

Also, if you're looking for a good self tanner - St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse + the mit is AMAZING. Espec for us pale girls. It's green based instead of orange and just looks beautifully tan. Also lasts long, isn't blotchy ( foam + the mit is a great combo). Highly recommend & you can get from Sephora!
@michaeldavis I do spray tans for a living and yes just wait to recommended time for processing, shower, and then you are fine. St Tropez is a great self tanner it is what we sell in my salon, I personally use Loving Tan it is the most natural I've ever used and they have a 2hr express tanning mousse so you don't have to wait 8hrs. but you have to order it online.
@lifeabundant I use Vita Liberata, available at Sephora. It will run if you get it wet within an hour of putting it on, but that's all the time you need to leave it. Then rinse off the residue. It's a gradual tanner, so you can build up to a darker tan if you'd like. It's on par with a spray tan, but much easier to maintain for yourself, and cheaper in the long run. It will last from 2-3 weeks (one application), but you can maintain it indefinitely if you reapply.
@lifeabundant I recently got a spray tan and highly recommend it! It lasted perfectly through workouts and showers for exactly a week. After that it started to rub off in high friction areas (ankles, sports bra, etc) before coming off completely after about two weeks.
@lifeabundant I use a foam self tanner (Australian brand called Bondi Sands - not sure if it's available overseas) and I usually only have problems where the band of my sports bra sits just under my boobs, and sometimes on the straps/armpits. Otherwise just sweat doesn't seem to do much damage :)
@lifeabundant I don't have an answer for you, but it would be awesome if you could post about your results. I'm going on vacation in September and thinking about getting a spray tan. After being so white for so long though, I'm kind of afraid of looking weird.
@lifeabundant I use drugstore self tanner and sweat doesn't really affect it.

However, it can rub off if you're wearing really tight clothes while sweating for awhile. I wore hiking boots for 10 hours today with a 2 day old tan and my feet are so gross and blotchy now. I've never had an issue with exercise clothes or swimsuits, so you're probably fine for a vacation!
@conservative_christian I use the jergens instant color foam for when I want to be dark, and I use Nature's gate glow lotion for maintenance. I've also used the daily glow from jergens but wasn't a fan of the smell.

The Nature's gate stuff is really nice and smells good but I'm not too attached to the foam. Might shop around.