How to spot Fake natty

@dawn16 Mihir lifts has an insanely aesthetically pleasing physique. I don't think he is natural, he has paper thin skin and maintains it well. is he natty?
@sherri1263 Bro lifestyle should be healthy….why to take supplements of any kind…? For what??? He is lifting weights….trying to inculcate good habits…trying to take care of his health….then why go for any supplements whether it is whey protein or something?? Does he want to go to some body building show…? Or wants to impress a new girl to get laid???? Results should be natural…it’s ok if he is not getting belly fat off…it takes time…it’s in our Indian genes…so tell him to be consistent and results will come out slowly but eventually
@sherri1263 What is your motive behind knowing if the trainer is enhanced or Natural? Let them be on their own trip. How is that related to the supplements prescribed to your father? If you could post what he is pushing, that would help.
@rattikin Because their biggest selling point is always look at me. I wouldn't be here if I didn't know what I am doing. Rather than "hey this is the source for my knowledge and why you should do so and so ".

Just in OP's case whotf suggests Lcartinite to random old men without even covering basic supplments first.
@rattikin It sets false expectations. My first coach was arguably enhanced, without me knowing that. He was competing professionally in bodybuilding shows and was 90-95kg ripped at age 22. He never disclosed that, but I thought that kind of physique is attainable with proper diet and training. These coaches are basically indirectly misusing their gear usage to get clients.

My recent coach was natty and he straight up told me you are not gonna put more than 2kg muscle in a year. This coach also competed in pro bodybuilding, but he is 70kg sub 10% bf.

I personally have no ill feeling about my first coach and might hook up with him again in future as I am now enhanced anyway.
@rattikin It does make a difference because, you hire your trainer to look like him. If he is one the cycle or blessed with good genes, then he might be doing sub-optimal or even some cases wrong workout sets, but his enhanced recovery covers for that and he wouldn't know. It's always better to hire trainers who naturally built their shit because they understand limits much better.

I have nothing against individuals who want to go enhanced, just as how you should hire a trainer is enhanced only, if you want to go enhanced, because a natural trainer might not know the best way to leverage your extra recovers and gains.

The only people who I absolutely cannot stand are people who are on the cycle and lie about it.
Noted different POV's. If the client is gullible/ less informative, the trainer can surely manipulate. Fortunately I never came across such people and importantly I was clear in what I wanted, so that helped too.

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