FANTASY REGIONALS WEEK 1: South + East Regionals


New member


Entries are now closed -- LISTING OF ENTRIES HERE

The scoring system is as follows:
  • Pick #1 - 120% of that athlete's points
  • Pick #2 - 110% of that athlete's points
  • Pick #3 - 100% of that athlete's points
  • Wildcard picks - 100% of that athlete's points
Some really great rules to make sure we have fun:
  • Entries close an hour before the first event on Friday. Don't wait until then, I will not make an exception.
  • SELECTING THE SAME ATHLETE FOR TWO DIFFERENT PICKS IS NOT ALLOWED. I will remove your highest-value pick for that athlete, and you will not get to replace that athlete.
  • Your wildcard pick can be any athlete, male or female.
  • Updated scores will be announced nightly (roughly, depends on life).
  • No multis. You'll need to enter your Reddit username, and new accounts or accounts that were forever inactive or accounts that have never posted on r/CrossFit are very suspicious and may be removed. Sorry, that's life.

UPDATE: LISTING OF ENTRIES HERE (not yet updated to reflect Alex Vigneault subs)​

@oldman1941 I scrolled down the east regionals and saw nicholas paladino. Didn't realize he was 18 now. Holy cow this guy is gonna be in the games in the future. Just maybe not this year.