Fat loss & Body Recomp with Hashimoto’s


New member
hello! I’d love some advice and tips on where to start for my newest wellness goal..

Bkgrnd: 5’0 late 30’sF diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2015, no meds. I eat a mostly Whole Foods, gluten free diet with very minimal soy/dairy. I prefer yoga/Pilates, low impact type workouts and currently take 3 fitness classes each week but no extra strength training or cardio aside from walking (live in a city and could easily do 5-18k steps depending on what’s on the days agenda).

My diet is naturally high in fat from consuming eggs, avocado, olive oil, ghee, peanut butter, and my animal protein sources are mostly fish (sardines, mackerel, cod, salmon), and chicken, turkey sometimes ostrich or bison added into the rotation. I try to minimize dairy bc idk how it affects my hashimotos but will eat some cheese and recently some yogurt (Not a fan of it from a bowl but purchased to potentially add to smoothies).

  1. I dont want to change my diet too much from what it is since i think it’s best I work with what feels good naturally, but what kind of workouts should i be focusing on that will utilize all the fat I naturally eat?
  2. how can I increase my protein without adding more fats? more animal protein is too expensive, I don’t want to add dairy, or increase soy intake, and I don’t think the amount of legumes/grains needed to get decent protein is best for my body. Im open to protein powders, but not sure about the add-ins since I don’t believe in consuming frozen fruit and the only local fruits for me now are apples and pears.
  3. has anyone tried the blood type diet and had fat loss /body recomp success while having hashimotos?
  4. how do I figure out my macros? i have the amounts from the calculators, but there’s so much conflicting information about whether it’s .8- 1.5g per lb to consume.
@csanc Hello my fellow hashimotos queen! Hmm I can answer a couple of your questions at least.
  1. Fat is great but it is also very calorically dense. I would exchange some of your fat calories for protein calories, and you shouldn’t feel too much of a difference hunger wise. For people like us, low impact cardio is best, as well as doing some lifting. Building muscle will help you burn more calories throughout the day.
  2. You can try things like jerky, quinoa, potatoes, and since you want to avoid dairy you can try protein waters! There are some really great whey protein ones.
  3. The blood type diet is total bs. I would just focus on increasing muscle in general, as well as cardio, and increasing fruit and veggie intake if you feel you may be lacking there.
  4. For your protein macros it really depends on what you want out of it. 0.8 grams is usually recommended as just a base line, but 1.5 is recommended for muscle building.
Okay I actually had an answer for each one 😂
@autisticcrazyknight I definitely understand why the blood type diet is BS, but my reasoning is that on the off chance there is some truth to it I figure it might not hurt to utilize some of it! 😂😂

The fat reduction is the hardest, probably bc i eat at least 2 eggs a day with some avocado. There isn’t any other brekkie I enjoy that keeps me satiated for so long. Thanks so much for sharing 💐
@csanc Hey if you like that breakfast, then keep that breakfast! A diet is only going to work if you actually like what you’re eating. If you’re not, try switching to a spray oil for your eggs to save on calories. But otherwise that’s a solid breakfast!

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