Feeling stuck (F 5.0 ft, 123.8 lb)

@kjwg I had this same situation. I’m 5’1” and was stuck at 125. I started intermittent fasting and now I’m 115. I eat the same amount of calories according to my MyPlate tracker, but within an 8 hour window, giving my body a 16 hour food break.
@kjwg I have very similar stats and issue. I finally went to see a dietitian and he upped my calories to a bit more than I was having and also focused on a high protein intake. I cannot speak yet about the weight loss progress but mentally, I feel much better eating at a higher calorie range.

Like you, I felt like it was perhaps too much as I never got too hungry. Boy did I realise how hungry I actually was. Im not saying this is possibly the reason in your case, but only what has been my case :) Good luck!
@kjwg We have the exact same stats girlie!! Agreed with the feedback given about increasing calories... way more comfortable and healthy. From the sounds of your stats and frequency of work outs, I bet you have more muscle than average. Try not to get stuck on “weight” as the goal- it’s very likely that you already “look” like your gw, but you are just more lean. It took me a long time to let go of the “115lb” mentality and swap it for the “my body does bomba$$ stuff and I’m strong” mentality. I hope you can do the same (and that I can keep reminding myself this too)!! I maintain about the same level of activity as you’ve described (minus the running, add in power yoga and jiu jitsu) and for that reason, I have lower body fat and higher muscle composition. I maintain this weight on 1400-1500cals during the week and I regularly eat 1800-2000cals on the weekends (ya girl likes a beer and french fries every now and then, haha). Point being, I think you have more “wiggle room” than you think with caloric intake. And from one strong shortie to another, don’t let yourself get ruled by the scale!
@irpcstudio Hi friend! This really really meant a lot! It is nice to hear of someone with your same stats. I am planning to increase my calories! And of course, Saturday I do not limit or cut my portions at all! I like to think I have muscle yes, my legs are really really muscular, but to be fair they always have been. My main issue is my belly/lower back area. I think I’m at a “healthy” body fat but you know, I would love to lean out a tad further. I also suffer a lot from bloating so that also makes a difference! Thank you for this again. Seriously, it gave me hope!
You’re welcome!! It’s totally nice to have a stats twin! Lol. I even lost the 138 about 6-7 years ago (after my freshman year, go figure, lmao). Maybe some targeted lower back exercises and lower core work to help those areas of concern you make you appear more “tone”, especially since you’re at a healthy BMI. It might not be so much that you have “fat” in those areas, but that they just need filled out with muscle. Can make such a difference! Once I found my obliques, I feel like it made such a difference in how my stomach looks!
@irpcstudio Thank you so much! I’ll take your advice to heart! Safe to say since I’ve taken this advice I’ve dropped a pound. Couldn’t be more happier!

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