Female 5"2 24y/o Looking for a workout ideas

So I've been trying to get into bodyweight training since January this year and I've tried GMB elements and Al Kavadlos's Get Strong work out book but I am really struggling to see some improvement in my strength. Particularly in my chin ups which is were I want to progress the most. I have been doing week 3 of phase 2 of the programme for nearly 2 months now and I'm getting a little bored. I was just wondering if people would suggested moving on with the programme but with assisted chin ups or try another workout to help me progress. Would GMB intergral strength help me out and then go back?
@wicowgirl4christ You won't see truly appreciable results if you keep jumping around from program to program. It's very important to pick one solid program and stick with it for a very long time. You can pick any one that interests you really. You could give the recommended routine (RR) a shot or try any of the other routines that are listed in the Wiki. If you choose one program and do it for long enough you're sure to see progress.

I am really struggling to see some improvement in my strength. Particularly in my chin ups which is were I want to progress the most.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of human biology women have much less testosterone and less upper body muscle mass than men do. This makes it more difficult to build muscle and upper body strength. The good news is that you can get incredibly strong by sticking to a good routine for long enough. It's just going to take you longer and the road there will prove to be more challenging. There are many amazingly strong women who do calisthenics/bodyweight training and can do things like one arm pull ups.
@neptune4 Just because you've been doing an exercise program for a long time with almost no progress isn't a good reason to keep doing it. Some programs are short-term, I've seen multiple programs that are only like 3 months.

The issue with her lack of chin up progress isn't because she's a woman and has low testosterone levels. OP, I recommend you try the RR and make sure your diet is in check. Try upping your protein intake, make sure you get protein after a workout, and adequate rest.
@ering I've seen improvement in my lower body (squats, lunges, bridges) and my push ups. It's just the chin ups. You start off for 4 weeks gradually building on active hangs and flex hangs to build up the strength.
@wicowgirl4christ Have you tried chin up negatives?

Chin ups usually take a little more time compared to the rest. Stay positive! If you have an assisted chin-up machine that would be helpful too. What rep range are you working in?
@ering 2 sets of 5 reps but again not properly. I start off with my feet on the ground and slowly lift myself up and try not to jump. I stay at the top for a few seconds and slowly lower myself down.
@wicowgirl4christ When you do your chinups try to pull as fast possible with strict form. Hold yourself at the top for a few seconds and slowly go down. Try to go as slow as possible. This should increase your chinups. Although I wasn't even aware of the existence of the books you mentioned. Slow eccentrics helps in every exercise.