First attempt at a Pentathlon ⭐️


New member
I've been practising my GS for the last couple of weeks and thought I would give the pentathlon a try.
I originally planned to do the half version but thought "in for a penny in for a pound".
I wanted to complete it to see where my start point was and to see where to go from here.
Weights were conservative but I think not far off the mark. I will stay with these weights until I can complete max on each exercise.
So anyway, here are my initial figures.

1 Clean- 16kgx120 (the first 20 were with a 24kg but it was a cheap bell and ripped the skin on my palms. This made everything later an absolute joy).

2 Long Cycle Press 12kgx64

3 Jerk 12kgx90

4 Half snatch 16kgx80

5 Push press 12kgx120

It was certainly tough but I wasn't exhausted. My Conditioning seemed OK. My grip will need to improve but I'm sure that will come with practice.

I plan to increase my push press and long cycle press to 16 then stick until it hit max reps on them but leave everything else the same weight, again until I can hit max reps.

I'm hoping to use Long Cycle C&J as my main training focus but this was definitely enjoyable (in its own way 😂).

I'm happy to listen to the advice if you have any and would like to thank you for reading my post.

Yma o hyd
@dudebro Nice!! That’s impressive to start with the full thing! I love pentathlons except when I’m doing them. And especially when I get to push press.

This made everything later an absolute joy)

LOL. The fact that you kept going means you’re meant for GS though 🤣🤣 Nothing like powering through an entire pentathlon with torn hands.

Do you know how to tape them?
@dudebro Powering through a full pent with torn hands? glad to see you've decided to join the dark side 😁. Seriously great effort though. For future reference I put together a quick video on hand taping that is really effective

hand taping