First Day Hype

Background: 26 y/o 63 inches tall & 217 pounds of glory mostly in my midsection 🙂 So today was my first day exercising after a really really long time. I woke up at 5am (before my 4 children) stretched and went out for a 25 minute walk. No headphones just me and the wind. It was nice. Really nice. I felt like I could take over the world. Came back home and had a chia pudding bowl. Took the stairs instead of the elevator. Had a dance party in the living & Closed all the rings on my watch. That’s all today.

How do I maintain that? How do y’all stay motivated to get up every day and do it all over again? All the kids are in bed and I feel like I’m crashing now 🙃 help 🥹 also any tips on beginner friendly workouts please send them my way. Thanksss
@christianscientistamerica For me the biggest motivation was when I started fitting clothes that I had stuffed in the back of my closet or drawers because they were too tight. Granted, it took me about 6 months to get to that point.

I think in the beginning the biggest motivator was that my wife and I are doing it together. My kids are my big emotional motivator, they're 4 and 7. I finally hit that point and realization that my decisions to drink way too much beer and eat entire bags of chips at night would effect THEM in the end. They'd be the ones with a dad who can't keep up with them. Can't ride bikes with them, climb big rocks and hills and go on hikes. They'd be the ones with a dad whose health declined rapidly as he got older. I want to be around as long as I can for them and I want to be able to do fun things with them while I can.

I will say doing this journey as a couple is a lot easier than Justine partner trying to do it alone.