First day of Q&D


New member
Tonight will be my first session of the quick and dead program. I'm so ready and super psyched. Ready for the mitichlorians to grow.

Who else is on q and d? How long?
Completed the first session. Taking Pavel's recommendation to use the lower dice roll the first week, only 2 passes. And with the 5 rep style. Seemed about right. Almost sounds too easy on paper, but the heart was pumping.

I never actually fully committed serious force to swings before, this was the first time. Only 5 reps but it feels right.

On the last set of pushups I was losing explosiveness, starting to turn into normal pushups. I'm not quite ready yet in pushing power, but I do feel decent explosive power in the early sets. So I'll just go with it and hope I improve to fully explode on all sets later.
@dawn16 1 kettllebell.

I suppose you could use double's for the swings, but I always found doubles feel very awkward for swings. And it's 1 kettlebell in the book.

On top of that the goal is maximum power (the physics kind) so you purposely use a bell a bit lighter than you might handle normally. Doubles tends to double the weight which could impact power. Although more weight could very well result in more power if the speed is still very high.
@dawn16 Explosive bursts of swings and power push-ups. It also includes an alternative program composed of only snatches.

The goal is developing mitochondria in your cells. And Minimizing lactic acid that can mess up the development.

I've only completed day 1 but it was fun. I like the focus on explosive movements. Will update again after running it a few months.
@mttyhu I'm using a 24kg (53 lb) bell for the swings. And 2 handed.

The book wants you to use a bell you can swing with the most power (the physics kind). That might be your heaviest bell or it could be a lighter one. The book has gives 2 ways to find the right bell size. One by measuring power with some sort of device (no thanks). The other by testing if you can swing it with high power for some number of reps or time period. I forget the details.

I didn't bother properly testing. It was my first day and was afraid the test itself would mess up the exercise day. My only choices were 24kg and 32kg, so I just went with the 24 to guarantee I could swing explosively. Later this weekend I'll properly measure which bell i can generate the most power with. I'll bump up to the 32kg regardless in time.