Fitness advice for 5'2" female feeling stagnant


New member
5'2" female aged 29, weight ~125, been weightlifting for almost 6 years without any bulking or cutting cycles until recently (I am doing a lean bulk starting a month ago). I eat 1800-2000 calories and maintain there. I rarely do cardio and lift 4-5 times a week for about an hour and half. Otherwise I am pretty sedentary as I work a desk job.

I am happy with my progress but want to step up my fitness as I feel like my body is not as proportionate as I'd like. My personal insecurities are how big my arms, traps, upper back, thighs, and stomach are. Being a petite girl, I feel bulky sometimes from all the weight lifting. I've gone through periods of debating giving up weight lifting to see if my body will lean out, but always come back to weight lifting. I love the way it makes me feel! I thought it would be helpful for myself to see what others have to say based on what they see and what I could focus on for my fitness goals as I feel like I've grown stagnant in the gym.

I feel strong in the gym and healthy, which is the main thing.

Thanks in advance and ignore the messy room lol

Front physique:

Back physique:

Side physique:

Edit: added weight
@zastari Thank you. I definitely fall victim to body dysmorphia sometimes. I think a mini cut might be in order then based on your advice. Cut some fat while maintaining muscle since I've never done that throughout my fitness journey.
@zastari Hm that is some solid perspective! I've always viewed myself as having a little more fat than what I'd like. Exactly the kind of perspective I've looking for! Gotta break my own mindset.
@jessica50332 Girl you look amazing and you’re being way too hard on yourself. You have great numbers calorie wise and for not being super active too! It looks like weight lifting is working well for you. I wouldn’t stop. I’m honestly wondering what the problem is here? 😂
@loveyhwh Thank you! I guess in my perspective I've been really contemplating doing the whole cutting/building cycling as I feel like my progress maintaining where I am has grown stagnant. My goals are to lean out a little more and get some more muscle definition. I've already started a mini bulk but am hesitant to commit haha. But thank you! Seriously, I think looking at my own body everyday makes me blind to the progress I've had over the years.
@jessica50332 I get it. It’s what all the advanced lifters do. I’d say if you want to try it out, you really need to know it’s what you want to do and commit to it fully. Otherwise you’ll just be spinning your wheels. Are you afraid of gaining fat on the bulking part? Bulking does seem like it’s more of a challenge mentally for women than men. I hear a lot of women talk about lean bulking but I’m not sure if that exists. Anyway, whatever you decide to do, best of luck.
@loveyhwh I think it's a challenge for gaining fat and also eating enough. I'm 3 weeks into my lean bulk and I'm sick of food. Pushing through the mental barriers are the worst part for me. But yes, thank you!
@jessica50332 Girl, you look amazing! They only thing I could possibly suggest is adding something "fun" to your weekly mix on top of lifting - like dance, pilates, yoga, rock climbing, tennis - that might mix up the muscle groups you're using while just lifting. But if you love lifting and that's what you're most consistent with - I think you're doing an awesome job!

edit: typo
@matthewv Thank you! I've been contemplating on doing something like that! Really have to look for something that works with my work week! Maybe at home dance workouts would be fun!
@matthewv I second this advice! If it’s fun, you won’t want to stop. It’ll encourage you to be active without feeling like “extra work”. A plus if you happen to meet other fitness and like minded people in the process too!