Fitness advice for 5'2" female feeling stagnant

@jessica50332 Your upper body doesn’t look large. Is it possible you feel that way because your shoulders are slightly broad? As in your shoulders are wider than your hips.

I know that is the case for me. To help balance my broad shoulders I’m attempting to build up my lower body to match.
@jessica50332 I’m also not wanting to invalidate you, but no part of you is bulky! You’re lean. I can show you some bulky arms, traps and thighs (my own lol) 😂
If you want to lean out more, because that’s an aesthetic goal you have, add some cardio and try a small cut. But you don’t look to have much body fat to lose. If you want to balance out your physique you can work to build your lower body. That can help give you a more defined X shape. But you look really good right now, so don’t be so hard on yourself
@jessica50332 You look very good and are well proportioned without any noticeable bulk. In fact, just a reality check, I would not really look at your physique and guess that you lift. It’s really tough for women to build upper body muscle. They are some seriously strong women at my gym who lift very heavy and I’m amazed they don’t have bulgy muscles at all. In fact one is stick thin! Those who do build big arms and shoulders are genetically blessed (and they look fantastic).
@lm231 Wow that's so interesting to hear! I guess growing up with asian parents always made me feel very aware of my body and how I've gained muscle haha. But thank you for the perspective! I can totally see where you're coming from.