For Olympic lifts, do those who lift impressive numbers ever get impressed by people who lift substantiallyrics less?


New member
Took a break from CF to focus on the Snatch and Clean lifts.
- Snatch= 215lbs
-Clean = 305ish
- C&J = 250lbs
- Age 31 (male)
-Law School student and bartender
- Weight = 185lbs (5'9")

I wanna lift bigger, but due to time and poor nutrition consistency, I know it'll be easier said than done. The gym I switched to strictly focuses on Olympic, Strongman and, Body building and Power Lifting. I see super impressive numbers and feel pretty inferior about it lol.
@c2coldsteel06 I was trying to make it apparent I don't have the time to fully dedicate myself to getting bigger and my outside time consumers are both sedentary and active..Didn't mean to give you ammo for passive aggressive insults. As for the 305ish, it was over a year ago, I can't remember if I used fractional plates or super small non-fractional plates but it was approx 305lbs.
@harrantion I’m not trying to insult you, but your question makes it seem like you’re looking for validation.

Im interested to know what your actual lift numbers are though. How much did you clean last time you tested your 1RM?
@c2coldsteel06 I can see how it looks like I'm fishing for compliments. I just included information I thought might be asked. Max clean was the 305(ish) pounds. I dont remember what fractional plates I was using, so I don't have an exact weight. For the sake of brevity, 300lbs.
@c2coldsteel06 Correct, I haven't had a substantial break in lifting, but also haven't been pushing myself when I am lifting. Taking a break from CF, my olympic lifting coach has had me working on power movements, so I will say admittedly, I've been lifting lighter for the last two months.
@harrantion just wait til you're a practicing attorney! Dude, so many in the crossfit world have very demanding, time-consuming jobs. It's either a part of the landscape (meaning they adjust around it), or it becomes an excuse. Feels in your phrasing like an excuse...

if you feel that's a passive aggressive... well... you'll hate being an attorney or need a thicker hide...
@harrantion I think this is where the CF community excels. At least at the gym I attend everyone gets pumped/excited when someone is lifting heavy for them. I love watching the uber fit members lifting super heavy, but I find it more exciting when the guy/gal that started 4 months ago hits a new PR even if it is super light for someone their size.

That said, if you are wanting external validation for what you are lifting, your focus is in the wrong place. The weights I'm hitting after 2 years are more than I ever expected to lift, however it's nowhere near where someone 20-30 years younger than me is lifting for warm-ups.
@sarahannxo I dont "WANT" anything. Just seeing if other lifters who know they lift big, get impressed by others who lift less. I don't want to impress or unimpress anyone. Just seeing what coaches and other lifters see when they see someone lift smaller or bigger compared to others their size (can't account for experience).

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